What if the January 6 insurrection had been more successful?

The only person who had any chance of changing the makeup of Congress was the Bernie Bro who shot up a Republican baseball game. We came within a hairs’ breadth of having a whole bunch of Republican politicians assassinated. They were huddled in a dugout, watching him walk towards them with a loaded rifle when the security detail shot him - a security detail that was only there through luck.

Those yahoos in the Capital had no plan. They weren’t trying to start an insurrection - they were just a bunch of angry people trying to ‘have their voices heard’. Once they broke into the actual Senate chambers they basically just milled around acting like tourists, taking selfies, sitting in the speaker’s chair, etc. None of them were armed with firearms. Enough of them were old and out of shape that several deaths occurred just because of exertion and stress - including the capitol pooice officer who died of natural causes.

The idea that you came close to having government toppled is absolutely ridiculous. Real insurrectionists don’t show up unarmed wearing cosplay gear and taking selfies while committing felonies.