What is a fair price for a videographer?

I am starting to get some freelance video jobs coming in, and I have no idea what to charge.

I am a recently graduated film student. I have some experience doing commercial video work, but not much. I’m looking to do some freelance work to help ends meet. I have a very nice three chip “prosumer” digitical camera, decent shotgun mic and excellent tripod (no lights, though) and I’m pretty darn proficient. I don’t have ready access to editing facilities but I kind of have access. I hate editing, but luckly most the stuff I’m doing (taping people giving speeches, or teaching classes, or whatever) is pretty low on editing.

I need to come up with a fair hourly rate- probably with a two hour minimum. Most videographers seem to charge $100.00 and hor and $75 an hour to edit. I’m not that experienced and advertise myself as “rock bottom prices”, so I’ve got to charge less than that. I just accepted a job for three hours spread over two days with no editing for $175 and he seemed thrilled at my rates. What do you all think is fair?

I’m digging into memory for this, but I think we paid our semi-professional videographer 500 dollars to shoot about three hours of our wedding.

That was just for the shooting, one camera, no editing. And that was a steal compared to the professional ones we looked into, who were $1000 or more for similar packages.

Get into weddings. It’s quite the racket.

All I have talked with recently were somewhere between $800-$1500… (for a 7 hour wedding)

The $1500 package had all kinds of extras… like DVD’s to send to people…
The most common price was $995.
If you are just getting started go a bit cheaper than everyone else for a little while… and raise your prices after you have clients who will give you a referral if needed.

Ask most brides about fair pricing and the last thing they’ll mention is the videographer.

It depends on where you live and what you’re shooting.

Wedding videography is a lot more intense than setting up a camera and taping someone speaking or teaching.

I charged $25 an hour for city council meetings, and got free chinese food to boot.

This is in a smallish midwestern college town, so I would expect more in CA.