What is a Geordie?

Pruddah! Southerner, Southern Nancy, Southern Pansy, Southern Softie, Southern Fairy, Shandy Drinker, Swiller, Soft-as-shit shandy drinking southern poof. Howzit gan man.

Well, i can see Prudhoe from here, however, i am on the correct side of the Tyne … !

I went to stay with some relatives in Washington (outskirts of Sunderland), when I was about 12.
Nothing could have prepared me for that, My Aunt said “ye nat stobbin, leek?” because I didn’t take my coat off as soon as I entered her house.

While we’re at it, what’s a “Pikey” or perhaps its “Parkie” as in the movie ‘Snatch.’?

Pikie. It’s slang for gypsy.

Since we’re on the subject, what about Glasgow nicknames? I’ve read “keelie” in George MacDonald Fraser, but Irvine Welsh (or at least, his characters in Trainspotting) call them “weegies”. Which is current?

My WAG is that “keelie” is somewhat old-fashioned (like “cracker” for a Southerner), while “weegie” is more current (like “redneck”).

And are highlanders still called “teuchters”?

Weegie is current. Highlanders are still called teuchtars occassionally (e.g. in this song).

Once you get past the central belt of Scotland, anyone who lives one foot further north than you is a teuchter. Orkney types use “down south” to refer such southern softies as the inhabitants of Thurso. Fuck knows what Shetlanders do.:stuck_out_tongue:

So by extension, Santa Claus thinks of all of you as “soft Southern nancy boys”, eh?

Funny that in the UK, the southerners are the softies; here in the Bible Belt, anyone living north of Richmond, Virginia is probably a “pencil-necked Yankee pussy.”

It’s because that’s where all the rich, politically influential people live (i.e. near London). And the weather’s better. Southern England is for stockbrokers, northern England is for factory workers (or rather, these days, call centre workers).

I once asked a Glaswegian friend (after first having mentioned Londoners, Scousers, Brummies, Mancunians, Geordies etc) what people from Edinburgh are called. His answer was “We usually refer to them as Wankers”.

I take exception to that.

We’re soft southern NANCIES.
For fucks sake get it right.

Thank god we satisfy your women sexually. (Particulary those in Wigan)
Perhaps when your people get jobs you might turn the tables, too bad about Edinburgh.

It’s more of a rural-urban thing than a north-south thing, in my experience.

Okay, THIS is now my go-to lyric when I’m singing around the house at full volume:

“Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a woman,
Something, something Iroquois.”

“Jojo left his home in Tucson, Arizona,
Something, something Iroquois.”

*Probably my favorite historical song, it’s the tale of Mason and Dixon coming to… well, Sailing to Philadelphia, to survey Their Line.

Sailing To Philadelphia.


To be honest Northeners talk tough (so long as theres no Southerners physically present of course, in which case they tend to be eerily silent) but they let themselves down by not being able to drink, fight or fuck.

Its always a pleasure for a southerner to go up north because the women can’t get enough of you, sex with their own blokes is usually a couple of minutes of clumsily fumbling around followed by the “man” rolling over and going to sleep.

Its probably because Northern men often live at home with their mums until their late twenties and only actually leave home when they lose their cherries.
Some women find it rather sweet that the Northern “man” almost always marries the female that he actually has lost his virginity to.

And is very often the only woman that he has sex with in his life.

Its also not a problem if the woman you’re chatting up has her S.O. with her as when you walk over he disappears off home or hides in the toilet.

It may be grim actually living up north; but its a great place to visit.

Your mum didnt have any complaints. But then perhaps she was enjoying the fact i hadnt ‘driven’ to her house at avg 6 mph in my BMW, all shaved legs, pink shirt and smelling of cappuccino…


Seriously, I have no idea what you were trying to say. Repeat in our native tongue, please.

Lol, no. What colour is the boathouse at Hereford, btw?