What is Diogenes the Cynic's Condition Called

What opinion? I didn’t say anything about any opinion, only a very simple and obvious matter of fact.

I don’t think you even understand what “logic” means. The statements quoted above may be false, but they are not illogical. Dio is being relentlessly logical in that thread, based on his premise that the laws on the books regarding speed limits are black and white and no one has any business going beyond them. That premise may be faulty, but that doesn’t make his conclusions illogical. Your beef is actually that you want him to be less logical, and to concede that it is better to follow some fuzzy conventions that “everybody knows” than to insist on a strict, literal reading of the speed laws.

It doesn’t matter what “everyone” is talking about, Dio was specifically talking about this situation:

Nothing he subsequently added went beyond this situation.