What is extremely common in TV or movies but almost never happens in real life?

Yep. I looked it up after I posted. I was also surprised to see “Surfside Six” in the same company- I always thought it was a brazen ripoff of HFO. Now I know how they got away with it.

Same at my school.
I’ll push your memory button with “Kookie, Kookie, Lend Me Your Comb.”

I’d always thought the 77SS office was a real building on the strip, but I never looked for it.

Wiki says no.

Hawaiian Eye was one of several ABC/Warner Bros. Television detective series of the era situated in different exotic locales. Others included Hollywood-based 77 Sunset Strip; Bourbon Street Beat, set in New Orleans; and Miami’s Surfside 6. In reality, all were shot on the Warner Bros. backlot in Burbank, Calif. making it easy for characters—and sometimes whole scripts—to cross over. Although the shows are not spin-offs in the traditional sense, Sunset was the first in this chain of “exotic location detective series”. In this regard, Hawaiian Eye was the most viable of the Sunset look-alikes, lasting four seasons.[2]

My memory was that it was not a real address. But there was a doorway near where it could have been that they used for exterior shots.

It’s uncommon irl to see young guys combing their hair in their sideview mirror.

Small children (like under 10 or 11 or so)

In movies and TV, small children are always portrayed as precocious and wise beyond their years. They may give the protagonist some much needed advice or guidance. In a post-apocalyptic, disaster, war zone or other serious setting, they will be serious, disciplined, and capable, almost to the point of violating the Geneva Conventions.

In my experience, the movie Step Brothers is the most realistic depiction of how small kids really act IRL (even though it was Will Farrell and John C Reilly portraying them as 40 year old adults). The tantrums, bickering, fighting, screaming for no reason, obsession with stupid shit was spot on.

I have never seen a rapping granny in my life.

The leather deteriorates. I have seen a SCA knight put his real sword thru his scabbard, but he wasn’t doing it carefully.

I wonder if you could put a sharpener in a scabbard.

The US military did just that- for machetes.

Showing what every day?

Speaking of TV and movies, and groceries, grocery bags always have a baguette sticking out of the top.

One time, I DID buy a baguette, and told the bagger that I qualified to be on a TV show. They looked blankly at me.

On beaches in the Caribbean, French people often come with a banquette sticking out of their beach bag.

operation condor aka armour of god 2

77 sunset strip and hawaiian eye the pi shows we were discussing

… Along with stalks of celery. I guess those are the only groceries you can see sticking out of a bag, so you know the person REALLY HAS BEEN OUT SHOPPING and isn’t just carrying a prop filled with scrap paper. Adds verisimilitude!

Carrot tops too!

One time? My wife buys at least one per month. And it sticks out of the bag, just like in the movies.

I’ve purchased baguettes more than once. It’s just that that one time, I told the bagger that I could be on TV, and they didn’t get it.

TV and movies overall have an unrealistic deficit of trigonometry

It’s a sine of the times.