What is extremely common in TV or movies but almost never happens in real life?

Not sure if this has been mentioned. Long thread.

I don’t shut my bedroom door at night. My parents never shut my bedroom doors. As far as I know, my siblings never shut the doors on their kids’ bedroom doors. I don’t understand why they do that in movies/tv.

The few times we shut our door is if we have guests. The guest bedroom is on the same floor and guests generally shut the door. I at least understand that.

I’ve seen quite a few, though they’ve died down as the neighborhood gentrified.

One might shut the bedroom door at night to keep out noise, or light from the hallway, or pets. Or, of course, to afford privacy for bedroom activities.

I never did either, although my brother found himself on the wrong end of a bar stool, and the ER doctor called in a plastic surgeon to sew him up. He still has a scar, although it’s only visible if you know it’s there.

I shut my door at night from middle school on.

The guy who put in the central heat and air told Dad that having the door closed made the AC work harder. Since Dad couldn’t get me to stop, he drilled holes in all the bedroom doors.

Now we know it’s safer to have doors closed during a fire

They do in movies and tv because most people do that in real life. That’s bizarre that you always keep them open. Every person in my family closed our bedroom doors at night, every roommate I have ever had closed our doors at night.

There are many reasons to shut bedroom doors. For privacy , to keep pets out , reduce noise ( in either direction) , because my window ACs work better with the bedroom doors closed, it’s safer in case of fire. I think most people shut their bedroom doors , unless they live alone or maybe if they have very young children.

Huh. Okay. Thanks for the answers, everyone!

It doesn’t help that my wife and I don’t have kids, so have no reason to shut the door. If we do shut the door, air circulation is worse, so it’s better for us to have it open for that. It’s above the garage so it gets hotter or colder based on weather if the door is shut.

Well, now I’m going to have to ask my family and possibly get the crow ready.

I like my cats to come in to sleep with me.

Yeah, they’re real. Mentioned earlier in the thread. Here’s my comment on them.

Our bedroom door is closed to keep the fucking cat out. I compromised a lot when my now wife moved in but I’m not compromising on thinking animal hair in the bed is disgusting. Otherwise the bedroom door would be open or closed depending on the temperature and need for airflow.

There was a keno bar I would frequent for their 80cent beer and sometimes a winner would buy a round for the bar. They may have just won hundreds and the drinks may have set them back $20.

If we close the bedroom door, the cat will sit outside and MEOW very LOUD. Over and over, until we open the door.

The cat we used to have would put her paw under the door and keep jiggling the door back and forth. :confounded:

I have no issues at all with cat hair in (well, mostly on) the bed, but I do have issues with being awoken at three in the morning, especially after I’ve gone to bed at one. My current surviving cat will not sleep through the night and never has. So cat stays outside.

I can ignore just about any noise and the cat has learned complaining avails him nought. He will go on periodically in the morning until I get up, but that’s perfectly tolerable. At night he either doesn’t complain or gives up quickly.

I’ve bought a round for the house a few times, but only when there were just a few of us there, and usually around xmas.

Never started a brawl, but was in a bar where some kid shoved the owner (who was telling him to leave). The owner was a friend and 10 or 12 of us grabbed the guy and literally threw him out. He hit the pavement hard and for a minute I was afraid we’d seriously hurt him.

When my kids were little, I wanted to keep the cat out of their rooms, without having to shut the door. My solution was to put screen doors on their rooms. It worked great.

Your cats just aren’t sufficiently annoying and persistent.

Whew! I don’t need to eat crow.

My mom said she never shut our bedroom doors. Better air circulation that way. While we kids may have closed it from time to time, I don’t remember doing it myself being the youngest by five years, mom said that she told us it was best to leave it open.

I don’t go to bars much in the past twenty five years. When I did, I never saw someone pay for the bar. One time, maybe ten years ago, I went to a bar with a friend and when we were leaving, we saw a fight, or some kind of confrontation, happening in an alley. We didn’t get close to find out more but it wasn’t in a bar.

Yeah, I was going to say, as a teenager, I not only kept my door shut, I would have installed a deadbolt lock on my door if I had been allowed to.

The closest I’ve see to the Round For The Bar is chatting with some of the regulars at the bar, and someone says “I’m having a shot of Tully’s*, y’want one? How 'bout you?” That time the bartender lined up a half-dozen shot glasses and filling them with one pass of the bottle. We all toasted the guy’s mother.

*Tullamore DEW, a very smooth Irish whisky.