What is it with this fucktrumpet and Matt Shepard? He obsessed or something?

He stopped getting attention for hating fags, so now he’s hating all Americans, too. And when he realizes people are just laughing at him he’ll probably register godhatesearth.com and go on about the sodomite hell-bound heathens out in Botswana or something, and how they express their fagjunk theology by wearing cloth made of two fabrics, and talk about how South African apartheid would still be around if it wasn’t for that gay-loving Nelson Mandela and his cocksucking cronies.

He won’t actually go picket in those countries (too dangerous and too expensive), but he’ll stand outside the respective embassies and give them a piece of his mind if he has any left by this point.

This is a guy who would claim there were people on the moon just so he could protest their faggot lifestyles for more facetime.

Romania is in Europe. It may be on the eastern edge of that continent, but it is in Europe.

However, there is a whole lot more to Europe than Romania…

*Did some posts of Zenster dissapear about this subject? *

You know what the really scary thing is? Check out the guy’s left hand–he has a WEDDING RING on!!!

Who the fuck is married to this bloke?

Yes, they did. I requested that the mods prune my MPSIMS thread if it represented any sort of conflict for the SDMB. The staff is currently discussing my wish to canvass the boards in support of Matthew Shepard’s surviving family.

If you do a quick Google on “Matthew Shepard” you will quickly be led to his mother’s webpage that is devoted to him. The email address is there if you wish to demonstrate your objection to the filth Fred Phelps is spewing.

I strongly urge you to avoid foul language (no matter how tempted you may be) and instead focus on expressing love and support for these folks in a time of renewed crisis.

I give thanks to the SDMB staff for understanding my motivations in having posted as I did. Fred Phelps is one of the most sorry excuses for a putative human being I have seen in a long time.

Mods, would you please restore my Mission Impossible preamble to the email reference? That took some work and I’d like to see that up here at least.

As I have mentioned on the SDMB before, I live in Topeka, Kansas, which Fred Phelps calls home. Done a lot of counter picketing in my day and all that. They often picket outside my church, although today they seemed to have had bigger fish to fry, and did not show up.

But darn, what happened in Sunday School today! I teach 2nd and 3rd graders. The lesson was on God making the world, Adam and Eve, and all that. And of course the one kid asks why they were naked, and I said that it wasn’t considered shameful before they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree. That sometimes people do things they are not supposed to do, and hurt themselves and others.

Then one girl pipes up "You know what I saw people doing? They were flying the flag upside down, and one of their signs said “God Hates America” Another kid, in a derogatory tone, said “That’s the Phelps’”. Uh oh, I thought, think fast, how to respond? I always want to answer honestly, and at that age myself I especially hated being talked down to.

So I did it like this. “What they are doing is bad, but the worst thing they do is say God hates people.” I went on the compare God to a loving parent, that even when they are unhappy when you do something wrong,(like saying ugly things about people) never stops loving you. And I got a laugh when I told them I was SURE they were all perfectly behaved at home. I finished it off with “Just never forget, God never stops loving you, no matter what.” Dodged the bullet I guess, but I damned well resent having to explain things like open hate to such nice young people.

Good job Baker. Now that I am (disgutedly) more aware of Phelps and his evil, bile-laden rhetoric, I can only admire you the more for fighting this un-American slime ball.

I at first doubted you, thinking it was the right hand, but another visit to the site (ugh!) shows that it was the left hand after all. Much as I hate visiting goatse.cx, I must say it beats godhatesfags.com

I especially like this blurb from the site (goatse.cx, not the infinetly more horrid godhatesfags.com)

Nothing to wake you up like a goatse.cx coffee mug.

Phelps is, in my mind, useful in one respect.

He proves the “Governor Quinn Theory On Protesting Groups- Church Edition”.

That theory goes, “There is a direct inverse connection between the number of members a church has and the number of times it will appear in the news protesting something”.


For all you know she is taking the photo (or to honor the man this threat is made for, he is taking the photo).

Just wait til he dies, then all gays should go erect a monument same way.

True enough. But it’s a small price to pay, I think, for the miniscule chance that he surfs over here to see what people are saying about him, reads the description, and pops a blood vessel in whatever passes for his brain.

Sorry, I kinda shot my wad up there, so to speak.

Why just one monument? Why not manufacture a line of urinals with Fred’s mug on the back surface?

Cervaise, I very rarely laugh out loud when reading forums, but this comment had me cracking up.
Very funny.

Since the “second general law of the Pit” states I shouldn’t wish death on anyone… I guess I will have to take a slightly more rational approach to this latest Phelp’s action.

I realize that Americans are not likely to rework their constitution to allow for the possibility to laws governing hate speech… but there are other things that can be done.

Surely Kansas must have some sort of Mental Health Act, that allows for the state to detain those who are obviously mentally ill… couldn’t some state guardian be appointed to handle Phelp’s affairs until such time as his homophobia (and I mean it in a very technical sense, as a mental illness - as opposed to a form of bigotry) is treated? That he tries to use the Bible as a fig leaf should not be sufficient defence, even the most devout should be able to come to terms that certain forms of religious mania are indicative of a mental imbalance rather than an expression of sincere belief.

And why he has not been criminal charged for the distress he has caused the Shepard family (amongst others). They should not be in the position where there only remedy is a civil action against this sad bastard, the state should step in… not all battery is done with fists…

Rationality having been dealt with… someone should thin the herd…

Great post, bagkitty. I’d love to see this worm get subjected to the sort of “cures” homosexuals were put through in the past.

I have a friend who is a gay rights activist among other things, He says Phelps is the best thing for gay rights that has happened in ages. His thinking is that the more people who read Phelps’ nastiness the more people have reactions against his hate and get up off their butts and do something positive.

That being said I still like to serve him as BBQ in Hell.

And I am in agreement with Baker : that statue wouldn’t remain standing for an hour.

That part there was really my point but i guess it wasn’t as clear as i might have hoped.

Strangly i’d almost believe that but I stand by my earlier comments.

I’m sure all gays will be erecting…er, something…when Phelps dies.