I have a google voice number. I made calls to the us and canada with it. I only know the area code is a california area code 760. Can someone tell me how to find out what is my google voice number? I went to my settings when logged into my email account… still cannot find it.
Go to Voice. It should be up in the lower left.
Hi. I logged on… i do not see it in the lower left.
Look in your tools (the icon that looks like a wrench). Your number’s under there.
i dont see it. I went to google voice and logged into my account. Im in call history, starred, trash etc…
I clicked on settings… and i dont see anything either.
What if you went to Voice ?
Text yourself from Voice. You’ll see the number on your phone.
I dont have a cell phone. Im in canada now, just hand landline.
How long has it been since you used it? I had a couple numbers but stopped using one and got an email from Google saying I’d lose it if I didn’t use it. I think I let it lapse but I still have another number. I can probably log into both later and compare screens to see if the number has disappeared on the lapsed one.
I use the number every day. But the person i call im calling it to a landline so they dont know what is my number.