. . . store bought salsa?
Expired store-bought salsa?
Expired store-bought salsa sitting out in the sun for hours covered in bugs?
Expired store-bought salsa sitting out in the sun for hours covered in bugs and floating in a bucket of vomit.
Someone eating expired store-bought salsa sitting out in the sun for hours covered in bugs and floating in a bucket of vomit.
A good friend’s homemade salsa.
Really, it’s horrible. And nobody has the heart to tell her, so we all just eat it and say nothing.
Someone dipping their shit-on-a-stick into the expired store-bought salsa sitting out in the sun for hours covered in bugs and floating in a bucket of vomit, then eating said shit-on-a-stick.
Someone dippig their shit-on-a-stick into the expired store-bought salsa sitting out in the sun for hours, covered in bugs, and floating in a bucket of vomit, then eating said shit-on-a-stick and thinking it’s delicious–just like Mom used to make.
Someone dipping their shit-on-a-stick into the expired store-bought salsa sitting out in the sun for hours, covered in bugs, and floating in a bucket of vomit, then eating said shit-on-a-stick and thinking it’s delicious–just like Mom used to vomit.
The generic store bought salsa?
Someone dipping their shit-on-a-stick into the expired store-bought salsa sitting out in the sun for hours, covered in bugs, and floating in a bucket of vomit, then eating said shit-on-a-stick and thinking it’s delicious–just like Mom used to vomit, and smacking their lips the whole time.
Taco Bell salsa.
Why does anyone buy this stuff? Why? I like going to Taco Hell, but I’m not paying store prices for their salsa, dammit. I know it’s bad.
Ewwww. You win!
Nah, just store bought salsa from Seattle or one of those other crazy states.
or New York City.
in hushed voice get the rope…
Just a quick question here, speaking hypothetically, if you were served homemade salsa made in A New York city, would that still be as offensive?
Not saying I’ve made salsa. Nope. Not saying nothing like that. (whistles)
Someone dipping their shit-on-a-stick into the expired store-bought salsa sitting out in the sun for hours, covered in bugs, and floating in a bucket of vomit, then eating said shit-on-a-stick and thinking it’s delicious–just like Mom used to vomit, and smacking their lips the whole time–in a Taco Bell in New York City.
Fifteen miles away from New Jersey.