What is OP?

I work in government, so I’m constantly deciphering, or inventing, new acronyms . . . this one I can’t foigure out, and I’m sure it’s painfully obvious. . . OP? I see it used in this board as in “the OP contains information on this topic.”

A little help?

Your post of 3:49 was the Original Post, and you, mealypotaotes are the Original Poster.

What is OP?

A type of art popular in the 1960’s characterized by optical illusions and an attempt to alter the viewer’s perceptions.


October Project was a really good band. But Sony dropped them from the label, and Mary Fahl left. The rest of the band and a new vocalist reformed as November Project.

Still very good.

Dont forget it also stands for the rare medical condition, Octagonal Penis. Its very rare, but very real. Be sure to have frequent checks for its symptoms.

you discust me neodeftones! if i saw you face to face id break a hanger over you! and OP stands for Old Patty, who was the most famous man woman whore of the old west

What is a “man woman whore”???

take a good LOOOOOOOOOOOONG look in the mirror, and your solution will come

Ocean Pacific

You should study your movie history more, mealypotaotes. It was with the film Ordinary People that Robert Redford made a name for himself as a director, and thus OP is a frequent source of inspiration for members of SDMB.

I’ll bet the OP is really glad this question was asked!