It seems that some middle aged women are having collagen injections in their lips to the point they look like a Star Trek alien of the week, not even human. It looks gross and grotesque, not attractive at all. See an example from a reality show below:
One is simply that these women aren’t so clear on what men find attractive and just figure the bigger the better (and of course you do not notice those women out there who choose to only have a modest volume added…perhaps this latter group massively outnumbers the former?)
The other is that it’s a form of mental illness, similar to anorexia, or those bodybuilders who think they look skinny no matter how big they get. Maybe these women are still looking in the mirror thinking “jeez, look at those thin, shrivelled lips…”
…oh and obviously other possibilities, such as a surgery gone wrong, or the surgeon being the one with the unusual sense of what is aesthetically pleasing.
Could be a surgical mistake / failure.
I remember reading about a guy who went in for LASIK and ended up with some permanent Hellish disorder called “Sands of the Sahara”. Bad things happen to good people too.
IMHO they go to see a cosmetic surgeon and the first thing that’s recommended is botox because it’s easy and cheap, and gets them in the door. And it develops a relationship with the patient, so the doctor can keep suggesting more procedures. And more botox, of course - the result is a bit of an “emperor’s new clothes” situation.
I’m guessing there are a lot more people with good-looking botox results and people like Big Ang (in the OP) are outliers. You just don’t notice good botox jobs because they don’t look insane.
This was an enhancement gone wrong, as the quack she went to injected her with household-grade silicon if I remember correctly. No way to remove it (and she’s ended up with additional health problems consequently)
Women who have them naturally tend to be judged as very beautiful or sexy. This is true of a lot of features - in a natural setting they are one thing.
Glued onto someone who doesn’t have the height, body shape, face shape, musculature, skin tone or skin shade to give them context, they look like bad Halloween costumes. But ByGod if Angelina has fat pouty lips that make men swoon, a skinny Hispanic girl with a square face and wide jaw will look just as good with a tube of collagen injected into hers. Ditto for boobs, cheek work, butt implants (which always makes me think ‘turd,’ sorry) etc.
If ya ain’t got it… you probably shouldn’t have it. The choice needs to be put in the hands of a good physical esthetician, which some plastic surgeons are. (I had several connections to a very, very good one who turned away 3 in 5 clients, and had ample opportunity to see his work. All board-certified PSs should be half that good, mainly in judgment.)
Which won’t stop deluded women, even those with successful celebrity careers, from going down the chain until they get to the PS equivalent of a kitchen-table abortionist.
Reminds me of unnaturally large breast implants - too much of a good thing, and rather incongruous on an older woman. Then again, I am not much of a fan of implants or lip collagen even when it is not overdone.
These lips might create a severe suction effect. Perhaps if she attached herself to the side of an aquarium, she might attract a fish . . . or scare it into going belly-up.
Remember that you are only noticing the ones that go wrong or are excessive. It’s like facelifts. You only notice the bad ones. As much as I hate overdone lips, it can be argued that fuller lips are attractive.
I’ve always wondered what will happen when all those breast implants get to the nursing home and most of the women are walking around wearing size 38 extra long.