And where did it originate?
I’ve heard this term used for over years and have no idea how it sounds. I’ve heard people say “arg,” but that sounds really lame.
And where did it originate?
I’ve heard this term used for over years and have no idea how it sounds. I’ve heard people say “arg,” but that sounds really lame.
That’s because you have to close one eye while saying it to get the full effect. And the G is silent.
It has to be halfway between a grunt and a word. Okay, actually more like 3/4ths grunt and 1/4 word. You have to strain your windpipe and the muscles at the back of your throat, and breathe out very forcefully as you say it. The G isn’t quite silent, but it’s almost silent. You need to say it with just the slightest hint of the G, and the G sound needs to be somewhat slurred (not a hard attack on it) - your tongue has to be sort of touching the roof of your mouth towards the back. It’s hard to explain. Either you get it or you don’t, I guess.
To me, it’s simply pronounced “aaaaah”, but in a panicked screaming fashion. It’s not spelt that way because “aaaaah” is what you say while the doctor has a tongue depressor shoved in your mouth.
Think of Charlie Brown missing the football(it’s at about 4:30 of this clip.)