There were several of them attached to doors throughout the house. It’s a hollow steel ball attached to an arm, which was attached to the door. It could move back and forth like a pendulum, but it rubs against the door and doesn’t move freely. You can see the rub marks on the door. So it didn’t swing by simply opening or closing the door. This photo was taken in 2003 and I still don’t know what it is or what purpose it served. If you know what it is, please let me know.
Very hard to get a sense of perspective from that picture. Is this a pocket door? If so, it could be the door pull. Does it ring if moved? Maybe it’s an alerting rig to let people know that somebody has opened the door?
Good grief, I haven’t seen one of those since I was a kid. Looks like the device we had on the screen door. If the door was closing too fast, it would swing out and cushion the door from the slam. The door would bounce back slightly, close more slowly and the ball would not swing out.