What is the difference of Low, Average or High IQ in people?

What is the difference of Low, Average or High IQ in people?

Can you tell them apart? Like a high IQ above 110, Average IQ 90 to 109, Low IQ of 80 to 89, and really low IQ below 80.

If you stop person on the street could you tell the difference by talking to them and spending time with them? Or is IQ of 80 to 109 you cannot really tell :eek: but IQ above 110 or IQ below 80 you can tell?
Is this more obvious of IQ below 90 or below 80?

[li]A greater belief in the unproven and/or unproveable, including conspiracy theories.[/li]
[li]A tendency towards blinder (non-skeptical) belief in general.[/li]
[li]A lesser degree of intellectual curiosity.[/li]
[li]Less appreciation of fine arts.[/li]
[li]Don’t know much about the world or what is going on around them.[/li]
[li]Hate to read books and hardly read if ever.[/li]
[li]Fascination with reality TV than reading book or doing any thing where you have to use your brain or is intellectual.[/li]
[li]Complaining that other people use “big words”[/li]
[li]Have a small working memory so have difficulty with multi-step tasks, instructions, procedures and recalling events.[/li]
[li]Hate science and math[/li]
[li]Not into reading and learning.[/li][/ul]
Do not do well in school???

What are the signs of person having low IQ? Or is Low IQ more closer to Average IQ with traits and such than some one with high IQ.

Unless you are talking about really low IQ blow 80. When does jobs come into play where person IQ is just too low to do job?

It’s hard to say. Beyond some extremes at either end, I’m not sure the tests measure anything more profound than one’s ability to take standardized tests.

You already asked about IQ, and your answers are pretty much contained in that thread, but:

90 IQ is average. So is 110, 109, and 89. Actually, anywhere from 85-115 is the average range; this is 68% of people. When you get below 75 or so, they have major deficits in normal functioning, and start to need assistance in taking care of their basic needs.

But really you need to read up on the difference between IQ and intelligence. Lots of the things you list in the bulleted list aren’t necessarily the signs of a low intelligence (I’m not sure that Alex Jones or Dr. Oz are stupid, per se). And how does one define “fine arts”? Or why would memory involve intelligence? Or assume that reality TV is automatically dumb? Or think that some physics genius is stupid because he doesn’t pay attention to politics or world news?

In answer to your question about whether one can accurately assess the IQ of someone else, you might want to look into the Downing effect. According to wiki, it found (among other things):

Regarding your question about jobs, here is a survey of the distribution of IQs among different occupations. In general the average IQ of various jobs is in line with what one might expect, but there is huge overlap. So looking at the jobs with the lowest average IQ (janitors and sextons) and the highest average IQ (MD or equivalent), you’ll find the average is about 92 and 120 respectively, which on the face of it is huge. But the highest IQ janitors overlap with the lowest IQ doctors. So, IQ appears to matter to a degree, but there certainly are other factors going on.

A person of lower IQ is not capable of recognizing a person of greater IQ. Like a color blind person would not know if something he was looking at had a particular color - he is just not capable of recognizing it.

However, a person of higher IQ can easily recognize persons of higher intelligence as well as persons of lower intelligence. May not know the exact number, but can generally guess a level. For example…

-A smarter person may place forms for pouring an outside patio concrete floor so the floor slopes away from the house - rain water will run away from the house. But a less intelligent person might have the forms laid out so the floor will slope toward the house, will not understand why it needs to slope away, and will argue that the forms are just fine if the error is pointed out. to him!

-A less intelligent person may buy a soda pop costing $1 each day, then not have enough money at the end of the month to pay a $28 bill. And not know what to do. If it is suggested that the person stop buying $1 soda pops each day, the person “does not get it” that doing so will save $30 each month!

-More intelligent people can go from step A to step C without needing to do step B. And other intelligent people can see this being done and recognize a higher intelligence at work!

-More intelligent people understand that if you are not looking at where you are driving (texting), your car can easily run of the road in a couple of seconds when driving at higher speeds.

-More intelligent people understand stopping distance when driving and understand the following distance needs to be increased with speed. Idiots do not get it! (Want to see an idiot? Look in your rear view mirror.)

One point of IQ testing is to have a consistent quantifiable means of determining intelligence, quite the opposite of talking to a person on the street to measure their intelligence. High IQ doesn’t necessarily correspond to a high level of communication skills. It is a good indicator of a person’s performance in school, but doesn’t tell you anything about the amount or quality of education they’ve had. You can get some idea of how knowledgeable a person is by talking to them, some sense of how much sense they have, but when it comes to the abilities that IQ tries to determine you can be very far off in an estimation of those simply in conversation.

So you think a business model of

  1. Collect underpants
  2. ?
  3. Profit!

Is an intelligent man’s business? :slight_smile:

An intelligent person could determine if there was going to be a profit or not without needing to go through the steps of trying to sell them. An intelligent person may decline a business opportunity because he knows it will not work in the long run.

The first thing you have to know, sweat209, is that there is no long term definition of particular I.Q. scores in terms of what kinds of thinking or action or any such that a person with a given I.Q. score is capable of. The only meaning of I.Q. scores is that a large group of people are given some kind of test and then compared using their scores on it. Usually this means that the test is a large number of multiple choice questions. Sometimes it is large number of oral questions that a psychologist asks a person to get the person to give their responses to a particular situation, but this individual, non-written type of testing is rather expensive. The number of questions that the person gets right in either of these testing situations is then compared to a normal curve.

The test-taker is compared to everyone else who’s ever taken the test. It’s then necessary to state what percentage of all the test-takers they have answered more questions correctly than and what percentage they have answered less correctly than. The following chart will give their I.Q. For the moment, let’s just use the left half of the chart, where it’s assumed that one standard deviation is equal to 15 points of I.Q.:


Suppose that they do better than 50% of all other test-takers and worse than 50% of all other test-takers. Then their I.Q. is 100. Suppose they do better than 75% of all other test-takers and worse than 25% of all other test-takers. Then their I.Q. is 110. Similarly, if they do better than 91% and worse than 9%, their I.Q. is 120; if better than 98% and worse than 2%, their I.Q. is 130; if better than 99.6% and worse than 0.4%, their I.Q. is 140; if better than 99.96% and worse than 0.04%, then their I.Q. is 150; if better than 99.998% and worse than 0.002%, then their I.Q. is 160. (Yes, I had to do some rounding.)

To be able to assign someone an I.Q. of 160 then, you would have to have given the test to at least approximately 100,000 people. It doesn’t matter how intelligent the test-taker would be compared to all 100,000,000,000 people who ever lived, we can only compare them to the 100,000 people who took this particular test. So it’s not possible to accurately say that a person has an I.Q. higher than 160.

And that’s all an I.Q. score means. There’s no universal intelligence yardstick you can compare the intelligence of everyone against like comparing the height of everyone against a yardstick. I.Q. scores mean how you did on an I.Q. test and nothing else. And, of course, many I.Q. tests, including a lot of ones you’ll find on the Internet, are hopeless inaccurate.

One thing that I partially associate with intelligence in everyday things is speed of thought. How fast does someone get/see something?

E.g., how fast does a person do simple addition: “How much is 12+39?”

Usually, a smart person responds quickly. The less intelligent a person is, the longer it takes to respond.

It often doesn’t take long when having an non-trivial conversation with someone to tell how fast they might be thinking.

But #1: You have to see how fast the person responds over a large range of topics. Some people are generally smart but not good at arithmetic, etc.

But #2: I’ve known a very small number of people who are amazingly smart but just take their time plodding. You almost wonder if they’ve drifted off thinking about something else but then pop up with a nice solution to a problem much later.

Basically, just about any attempt at quantifying intelligence is going to get messy. Even complex statistical analysis misses a lot of things.

Ask the Japanese or this lady that does it as a lucrative sideline on the internet.

I got my very first hearing aid when I was 8 yo , I stay backed in first grade and didn’t pass the second time . One day my teacher was trying to show me the correct way to ties my shoes and she kept telling me to look at what she is doing but I kept looking at her face. My teacher realize I might be HOH and she had me stay after school and gave me a hearing test and found I was HOH and NOT retarded. I miss my first 8 years of hearing didn’t pass first and had a hearing aid stuck in my ear and send on to second grade and made to fifth grade and failed ! I found when I was a teenage I have dyslexia and read numbers backward. I have a damn speech effect , some people think I have an accent and think it’s pretty . :smack: So there are people who think I have a low IQ
b/c of a HOH accent , and my grammar is poor b/c I was send to the reject class . Children that were deaf or HOH in the 40 -50 would be labeled ‘lazy’
'stupid ’ or mentally retarded and locked up . So there could a lot of people that are very intelligent but never gotten the help they deserve to reach their potential. I had a ‘B’ average when I was in college , but some people think I have a very low IQ !
If a child is not going well in school they should not be written off as having a
low IQ ! They should tested to see if have any learning disabilities , or need eyeglasses or even getting enough food to eat at home . You can’t just write someone of as having a low IQ when you know nothing about their background!

IQ tests measure speed in part. They also measure how well you have mastered certain facts and relationships compared to your peers.

This stuff is mildly related to “intelligence”.

Doctors and electrical engineering have highest IQ for job where Janitors,machine operatives have lowest IQ.

So what would be IQ cut off? That say you want a job like a Doctor, Chemist, Engineer, physicists, mathematicians or scientist you probably should have IQ above 100. A person with a IQ of 90 to 100 may be could do it? But a person with a IQ of 80 to 90 would really struggle and may not get job or make it though school? Under 80 no way.

Yea like people smoking and drinking and have no money. A smarter person will know smoking and drinking is bad habit and is not good for you and you have no money.

Higher IQ normally do get into alcoholic, borderline alcoholic and bad vice.

Normally IQ below 100 you see bad habit and vice .

Not sure what you mean by this? You mean math problems?

5+ (unknown number) ? = 10

And guessing the steps.

And getting steps 5+5=10.

I doubt this is true.

This is nonsense. I don’t know what you intended to say, but it is nonsense to associate bad habits and intelligence.

One argument I’ve heard is that the higher your IQ the more tasks you can perform independently. Lower IQ people can’t perform a lot of tasks, and even if they do they need to be taught and walked through them. The higher your IQ, the more complex tasks and talents you can develop and the more you are able to self teach them. High IQ - able to self teach complex tasks, Average IQ - able to be taught less complex tasks, Low IQ - cannot perform complex tasks even after being walked through them multiple times.

Also IQ is correlated with vocabulary. So someone more intelligent will likely have a larger vocabulary full of more cromulent words.

So, someone with a high IQ is able to embiggen their vocabulary by reading books on their own?

Or they can just make them up.