What is the funniest, non-offensive joke you know?

Got a million of them.

2 guys walk into a bar -
you’d think they 2d guy would’ve ducked.

A termite walked into a bar and asked, “Where’s the bartender?”

What happened when the red ship and the blue ship collided?

Both crews were marooned.

What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?

A carrot.

My dog has no nose?
How does he smell?


Why do seagulls fly over the sea?

Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels.

Why do gorillas have such large nostrils?

Have you ever seen the size of their fingers?

Of questionable taste:

What’s brown and sounds like a bell?


Yes, uncle Dinsdale is a great hit at the kid’s table during family get-togethers!


a rhyme from childhood
Hickory Dickory Dock
Two mice ran up the clock
The clock struck One
And the other ran away with only minor injuries.

Well, I like it… Reminds me of this one: What did it sound like when the truck full of vinegar fell into the river?


It’s “Is the bartender here?”

Knock Knock.
Who’s There?
Interrupting 1920’s Style “Death Ray”
Interrupting 19…BZZZZZT!

Johnny went to dinner with his Mom and Dad.
The Mom & Dad order salads before their meals.
Mom and Dad are talking and Johnny keeps interrupting with how come questions until his dad tells him to stop.
The salads come out and they start eating.
Johnny tries to get their attention, and the Dad keeps shushing him.
Finally the Dad goes, “What?”
Johnny says, “Dad, what does a slug taste like?”
Dad, “Johnny, I told you to stop asking questions like that.”
Mom, “Why on earth would you ask that question?”
Johnny, “Well I was trying to tell Dad there was a slug on his lettuce, but then he ate it.”


What do you call a cow with no legs?

Ground beef

Where do you find a dog with no legs?

Wherever you left him

What do you call a woman with one leg shorter than the other?


What do you call an oriental woman with one leg shorter than the other?


What is the difference between a well dressed man and a dog?

A well-dressed man wears a 3-piece suit, the dog just pants.

A guy takes his sick parrot to the vet. The vet examines the bird for a few minutes and says, “I’m sorry, he’s dieing”

The guy says, “What! You hardly checked anything. I want a second opinion”.

The vet says “OK” and whistles.

A dog comes walking in the room. He looks at the bird for a minute, then shakes his head and walks back out.

Then a cat comes in the room. He looks at the bird for a minute, shakes his head and walks back out.

The vet says “See, I’m sorry but he’s dieing. That’ll be $500”

The guy says “What? Why so expensive?”

The vet says “Well, it would have been only $50, but you insisted on the Lab tests and Cat scan”

What did the snail say when he got on top of the turtle?


A bum sleeping on a park bench is shaken awake by a frantic zookeeper. “Hey buddy, how’d you like to make a quick twenty bucks?”

The bum says “Sure.”

“Great,” says the zookeeper. “I’ve got two hundred school kids coming in to the zoo today just to see the gorilla. The problem is, the gorilla died last night. But I’ve got this gorilla suit left over from a costume party, see? So if you’ll wear the suit and act like a gorilla, you get twenty bucks.”

Well the bum decides that’s the best offer he’s had in a long time, and agrees. An hour later, there he is, wearing a gorilla suit, sitting on a concrete floor in the middle of a cage. Sure enough, two hundred school kids show up, and stand around the cage expectantly. After a while, though, the kids start getting bored. “What a lousy gorilla,” one kid yells. “He doesn’t do anything.” Now the bum’s afraid that if the kids aren’t happy, he might not get his money at the end of the day. So he starts hopping around and pounding his chest. The kids get excited. “Do a trick!” somebody calls out. The bum jumps on the tire swing and starts rocking it back and forth. “Faster” the kids yell. So he swings faster and higher, and he’s really started to enjoy the attention.

Suddenly he slips. He goes flying through the air, goes right between the bars and lands in the next cage over. He turns and sees a lion sitting right next to him. So now he’s terrified, and he starts calling for help. The lion grabs him, claps its paw over his mouth and says, “Shuddup! You want us all to get fired?”

Q: Why did the elephant wear green sneakers?
A: So he could hide in the grass.

Q: Why did the elephant wear bermuda shorts?
A: You’d be hot too if you lived in the jungle!

Q: What’s the difference between and elephant and a plum?
A: They’re both purple, except for the elephant.

Q: What did Jane say when she saw the elephants coming?
A: “Here come the elephants.”

Q: What did Tarzan say?
A: “Here come the plums.” He was colorblind.
Believe me, these were Hi-LAR-ious after standing in the sun for 8 hours on a hot day…

What did the Zen Buddist say to the hot dog vendor?

“Make me one with everything.”

A guy comes into a restaurant and asks the waiter for a bowl of soup. The waiter brings him the soup and walks away. The man calls him back over, points a finger at the soup, and says, “Taste it.”

“I don’t have to taste it, just tell me what’s wrong, and I’ll fix it,” says the waiter. “Too hot, too cold, too salty?”

“I said taste it!” says the man.

“Okay, no need to get excited, I’ll do as you say,” says the waiter. “Hmm, now let’s see…where’s the spoon?”

And the man says, “AHA!”

The Buddhist gave the hotdog vendor a $20. The hotdog vendor took it, put it in his pocket and turned away. The Buddhist asked for his change. The vendor told him, “Change comes from within.”

How do you get down from an elephant.
You don’t get down from an elephant. You get down from a DUCK!

So…you’re saying that…

…there is no spoon?

Did you hear the one about the turtle that got mugged by the snail? When the police asked him to describe what happened, he said, “I don’t know, officer, it happened so fast!”

Hear the one about the water truck that collided with the semi hauling vinegar?


It’s sad that, when asked to provide inoffensive jokes, we’re apparently reduced to about 90% puns. :smiley:

Not that the puns weren’t funny, of course. :slight_smile: