What is the giant sombrero thing at DFW for?

Title says it all. At one of the entrances to DFW International Airport in Dallas, there is a structure that looks like a cross between some kind of antenna and Paul Bunyan’s favorite wide-brimmed hat. My two theories are:

[li]Some kind of navigational antenna, like a VORTAC array[/li][li]Just a cool thing to put at the entrance to impress people[/li][li]Hi Opal![/li][/ol]

Anybody know?

Oh, and a picture via Google Maps. Afraid I don’t have one from a people’s eye view, but the shadow on the ground gives you some indication of it’s general shape.

That would be the Maverick VOR/DME, identifier TTT, operating on frequency 113.1

Ah, so my first guess was correct! (Well, assuming it also functions as a TACAN station for the military as many VOR/DMEs do)

No. It is a VOR/DME, not a VORTAC. There is a difference. And yes, VORTACs are far more common than VOR/DMEs, so many folks blur the distinction. Which distinction is moot anyhow unless you fly for the military.

Bottom line: You were as close as one can get just by looking at it. The distinction between a VORTAC & a VOR/DME is not apparent from the antenna configuration, and is of interest only to pedants & military pilots.