What is the happiest song you know?

I’m looking for the most sickeningly cheery song there is. Thank :slight_smile:

Do Wah Diddy.

Crazy Bus

“Crazy, lazy, crazy, crazy bus”

Ever watch “Arthur”?

59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy)

It always makes me smile.

What’s Going On by The Velvet Underground

I can’t hear that song without breaking out into a huge grin.

Evil Twin Cartman’s song:

from the movie Meet The Feebles - sodomy

" let me tell u about sodomy…u must think its very odd of me…that i enjoy the act of sodomyyy…u might have the wrath of god on me…but if u try it then u might agree…that u enjoy the act of sodomyyyyy"

It sounds odd, but the Red Elvises “Sad Country Song.”

R.E.M. “Me In Honey”

Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel “Come Up and See Me (Make Me Smile)”


NONE of those are SICKENINGLY sweet.

Trust me on this one.

Catch You, Catch Me is INSANLY sweet, from the CCS soundtrack (no not that piss ant version of the show that was released here in the US, censorship sucks.)

Yorokobi no Carol from the CCS soundtrack IS the sweetest song ever. People die from Sugar Overload when listening to that song.


INSANLY sweet and cute, horribly catchy.

Listen to it.


“Muskrat Love” by Captain and (how the hell do you spell Teneille??)

Maybe I got the artist wrong. But it features small chittering mammals on backup. Sentimental. Gooey. Ick.


“Monkey Dance” by Cornelius.

Though it’s rather insane…

Don’t Worry Be Happy…by whoever that guy was?
How can you not smile when you hear that song?

The “Happy Happy Joy Joy” Song!
By your old pal, Stinky Wizzleteats!
:slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

Sugar, Sugar, by the Archies

Makes me want to dance around the room.

“Into Your Arms” by the Lemonheads. Always makes me smile.

Walkin’ on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves.

In fact, I think it’s THE happy song, isn’t it?

‘Walking on Sunshine’ by, uh… well, I can’t remember.

The Talking Heads - Naive Melody

And if you think Feelin’ Groovy is catchy, you should try the version by Jim Infantino and Jim’s Big Ego. Fun stuff.

An R.E.M. song mentioned and its not Shiny Happy People?