What is the liquid coming from under my peeling skin?

I was sunburnt and now my skin is peeling and there is liquid coming out. What is it?

Same thing as the fluis in a blister. Lymphatic fluid.

Ya, you got 2nd degree sunburn - very painful, I’m sure. It’s blisterjuice.

That’s kinda what I was thinking. It’s not really too painful though, it does feel really tight thought, and it’s kind of hard to move.

Keep it clean, keep it covered, and if there is any sign of infection see a doctor! Also, extra fluids, especially water you are, after all, leaking fluid.

It’s your vital fluids! Run, don’t walk, to your local vital fluids replenishment center. I’d suggest, this time of year, something with Springtime fruit, perhaps a strawberry daiqueri.

Or a beer.

mmm… blisterjuice.

Don’t say that three time, or it might come and squirt you![/cheesy_reference]

New name for an energy drink!!!

Been there, done that - sun poisoning. Follow Broomstick’s advice.

I am sporting a nice assortment of blisters from frying chicken fried steak. Next time, I WILL take the time to put something over my nekkid skin. I am past the blisterjuice stage, and am now at the stage where the dead skin almost peels off by itself. I am having a very difficult time not picking at it.

From now on, I will refer to my lymphatic fluids as blisterjuice, whether they’re in a blister or not.

Oh no, you’re losing your precious bodily fluids! You must replenish them!

Or, what Broomstick said.

That’s why I only drink rainwater and pure grain alcohol. Purity of Essence

Did you get that idea from “Dr. Strangelove”?

There is a product called Toe Juice, but it isn’t an energy drink, or any drink for that matter.

No, it’s not, unless there was far more tissue damage than a normal sunburn would indicate. Lymph is fluid in the lymph nodes and vessels. The liquid under a blister or burn is called serum.

What is serum made of? Lots of dead white blood cells that came to check for and fight off infection, lots of dead cell bits and cytoplasm from the skin cells you killed with your burn. Antibodies and other cell repairing or microbe destroying proteins. Some stuff called granules, which certain white blood cells spit out whenever there’s an inflammatory processes going on. Finally, “fluid”, that is, mostly water with some solutes in it, that leaked out of your blood through your dilated capillaries when your body was trying to fix the burn.