What is the most decadant thing you've ever eaten?

The dictionary defines decadence as self-indulgent. So I guess it just depends on whether you consider self-indulgent to be fattening/rich/bad for you foods, expensive foods or exotic foods.

Hmm… well, for an overall decadent dining experience, it’d probably have to be when I took my girlfriend to Venice. I’d only been seeing her about three months, so I was trying hard :wink:

We found a restaurant with tables outside, overlooking the Rialto Bridge. My girlfriend’s a sucker for seafood, and the waiter recommended the seafood platter. Wow - melt-int-the-mouth lobster, crab, langoustines, all washed down with champagne… and tiramisu to finish, of course. This was in pre-euro days, so the bill when it arrived had more zeros than Bill Gates’s bank statement :eek:

And that’s when the worst part came… I had Visa and MasterCard credit cards with me. The restaurant took only American Express and JCB (JCB? :confused: ) cards. Cue discreet enquiry with proprietor as to the location of the nearest ATM, followed by frantic sprinting through the streets to find another one when that one turned out to be out of order, followed by even more frantic sprinting through the streets clutching a fat wad of lira, trying to remember where the damn restaurant was.

I don’t think she suspected a thing :wink:

For decadance it is hard to beat the chocolate creations from Mason de Chocolat in Paris.
I haven’t had it yet, but a breakfast of scrambled eggs with sliced white truffle would be the ultimate start for a day of decadance.

One of these days I will cross paths with Beef Wellington, and I will be very happy. So far it is a long-distance relationship confined to random sightings in the mail-order beef ads of in-flight magazines. :frowning:

Somewhere in St. Louis near the waterfront is (or at least was, 20 years ago) a bakery that sells a triple chocolate cake that is so rich that a 2" slice takes two days to eat.

Thanks for clueing me in. I would have disagreed with that decision, had the rulers of this board deigned to present the option to the people who are paying for the board.

My girlfriend makes what is literally the most delicious dessert I’ve tasted – strawberry daquiri cheesecake. I didn’t think I’d like it, but she has a special touch. If decadent means “existing purely for sensual pleasure” then that cake would qualify.

I am related by marriage to a charming Lebanese gentleman who is the most superb chef…and spoils me with wonderful food whenever I see him…baklava…and maamoul (which is made with rosewater…yes, rosewater).


I spooned raw sugar into a dixie cup until it was full, and ate it within the span of about 15 minutes. I found out that if you stick an ice cube in there, sugar will stick to it and you have a frozen treat. I also found out that if you let the ice cube melt, you end up with a very viscious, very sweet liquid.

I worked in a pastry shop for a short while, and one of the more decadent items we made was a flourless chocolate torte topped with a layer of tiramisu filling, garnished with chocolate shavings and a chocolate dipped strawberry.

Oh… I recall a non-traditional wedding cake we baked/ assembled made of layers upon layers of flourless chocolate torte enrobed in ganache. Made me want to hurl just thinking about it.

My Mom’s Dobos torte. A 7 layer chocolate cake made with a dozen egg yolks, about 2 pounds of butter, about 4 pounds of dark, dark, dark chocolate, and a ton of sugar. Oh, and a little flour and some vanilla, I think.

Fortunately my wife got taught how to make the cake before my Mom shuffled off this mortal coil.

Caramel on top? It’s not dobos torte without the caramel… I must make one soon.

I’d say it’s a toss up between Pavlova and…

deep fried Snickers. (Twinkies? Blech!)

The recipe was handed down from great-grandma. I think they must have been too poor for caramel. :frowning:

But thanks for the tip. I found a recipe for the final layer to have caramel and cream!

Actually, you’re right. Caramel is kinda what makes the Hungarian Dobos torta a dobos torta. The top layer is rock-hard caramel, not the gooey type.


Golden Lobster with an appetizer of golden shrimp, and a ramkin of golden sauce to put on top of anything lacking it.

Golden sauce is a fluffy egg yolk concoction that is very rich and smooth flavored. I have never found a recipe for it.

Deep-fried cheesecake with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.

I want some right now, for breakfast.

Baklava, at our town’s yearly Greek Agora. Made by hand by these lovely old Greek grandmothers who, during lulls in the mad rushes to by the orgasmic treat, sit around, gossip, and knit.

Alternately, the vegetarian ‘beef’-with-broccoli at a splendid all-vegetarian chinese restaurant. Especially after having spent the past month camping out in the woods living more or less on rice and granola bars.

For me, it would probably be the Shrobster at Lou’s Village in San Jose.

The dish is a huge, whole lobster. The tail is stuffed with shrimp and crab with a bit of a buttery sauce. Soooo incredibly excellent.

Phht. Y’all are talking about kid stuff.

I once made a pie from a recipe that could be described as mildly rich. The crust was nuts and sugar and butter. The filling was eggs and chocolate and sugar and butter. The topping was butter, sugar, butter, kahlua, eggs, and butter. In all, 4 cups of sugar, a cup of nuts, 6 eggs, and 5 sticks of butter. It went bad before I finished it.

I’ll see your pie and raise you a Sans Rival.

One of my coworkers brought this to an office party once; his recipe called it a Celebration Cake.