Where and when did this term arise?
As used to describe poor people but with an “s” added to make it apply to the entire economic underclass.
Where and when did this term arise?
As used to describe poor people but with an “s” added to make it apply to the entire economic underclass.
Atrios has been using it for years. I have no idea whether it originated with him.
Thought it was a mocking adoption of Todd Kincannon’s horribly racist tweet a couple years ago where he basically substituted “those poors” for the n-word.
I don’t know the answer, but I remember someone using that term on another message board (for a health disorder) during political discussions at least 8-9 years ago.
Here’s an Atrios post from July 2012 using the term. So it goes back at least that far.
“The poor” already did apply to the entire economic underclass.
I thought it was a callback to Victorian era novels.
So it’s UK English origin, interesting. I thought it was some US hipsterish wordplay.
Yeah, it seems like an “ironic”, tongue-in-cheek way to generate the image of some old British guy with a monocle and waistcoat smacking starving orphans under his carriage with a gold-encrusted cane. AKA: Not likely to be spotted in the NYT.