What is the origin of your SDMB name?

My father in law was a singularly unpleasant man. He rarely referred to my by name. He called me “That long haired son of a bitch my daughter married” I married the Incomparable Sunflower in May of 1975. When I needed a handle for my first AOL account, it just seemed right

My SDMB name’s origin is pretty simple. When I first signed up with AOL, every screen name I wanted was already taken and AOL “helpfully” suggested adding some ridiculous number after it to “make it unique” (How is “xyz9347” unique?). I was stationed in Monterey, California at the time and my favorite board game is Go. I went with montereygo as the screen name. When these forums were on AOL back then, other posters referred to me as “Monty”. When the forums moved to their own site, I stuck with that for the SDMB.

I always thought you were a dude named Andy who was always putting on and taking off his glasses (two eyes to four eyes).

Better than Meathead, but I’m guessing Archie Bunker was his kind of guy?

Mine is the name of the starship in my book. I have a picture of the probe since it is better than nothing.
My name has nothing to do with Star Trek. I only watched one season of Voyager anyhow then gave up.

Mine has nothing to do with Iggy Azalea or Iggy Pop… I was living in Grand Cayman where a treasured and endangered endemic species is the Cayman Blue Iguana.

Coincidentally, Iggy Pop has a home in the rural neighborhood where I lived and spent quite a lot of time in Cayman’s East End.

Heh, my avatar is a close-up of a picture I drew of a main character from my books. (A robot, specifically.)

Look deeeeeeep into his eyes…

I’ve been known as “Spoons” for many years; certainly longer than I’ve been here on the SDMB. Why? Because I can play the musical spoons. They’re used in Bluegrass, Celtic, Appalachian and Maritime music, among other genres. I’ve played with some well-known names on occasion, but mostly with bar bands.

I have a nickname that begins with a p. Some friends and I were big fans of Pee-Wee’s Playhouse, and the Puppet Band would call him P-man (as in “hey P-man, have you heard, what’s today’s secret word”.

I’m still computer-illiterate, more or less, and pretty much always the last person to jump on a trend or technology. (Still don’t use Instagram or Twitter, for example.)

Back when people used that metaphor, I always said that on the Information Superhighway, I was the one with the “Caution: Slow Moving Vehicle” sign.

I worked part-time at a Ace Hardware in high school. They used to advertise Ace is the Place with the helpful hardware folks.

My buddies kidded me about my part time job. Ace became a nickname for quite awhile. I haven’t used it in real life in a long time.

Camping nickname. I used to camp with a bunch of folks and everyone had to have a nickname, and I was christened blondebear because I have hairy arms. I don’t camp with those guys anymore because they turned out to be really noisy and obnoxious.

Hi, I’m Dork Vader and I approve this message😉

Now, how to get one of the sithlings to buy one of those for me…

saje is the first two letters of my first name + the first two letters of my last name.

Sort of like SAlly JEnkins … but not quite :stuck_out_tongue:

I rarely complain about anything.
Mona Lott seems to be the opposite
of my nature, so I went with it.

Stolen from a Jack Vance novel.
Shimrod had been disguised as Dr. Fidelius, charlatan and mender of sore knees.

It amuses me.

Fans of Game of Thrones will likewise appreciate this: http://www.pmslweb.com/the-blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/25-funny-Stannis-number-one-dad-mug.jpg

My grandfather liked to quote Jerome K. Jerome: “Be not the first by whom the new is tried, nor yet the last to lay the old aside.”

[quote=“ZipperJJ, post:17, topic:919810, full:true”]
Squirrel Nut Zippers were my favorite band at the time…[/quote]

Squirrel Nut Zippers were among my favorite candies as a kid - never heard of the band (sorry).

My moniker is pretty straightforward - I paddle my kayak while fishing the back-bays of the Gulf.

If I ever wonder about the origin of Doper names I just figure it’s some Tolkien, Dr. Who, or other sci-fi reference that I won’t get without investing more time than it’s worth :slight_smile:

I laughed out loud when our late great troll Charlie Wayne called you Elendils Hair.

I love these threads. :slight_smile:

I was trying for Alpenglow, a phenomenon that I adore but rarely have the opportunity to see these days. An unfortunate slip of the finger made me Aspenglow instead. Durrr.

I couldn’t be stuffed to ask the mods to change it since it would count as my one SDMB name change, and now I’m used to Aspenglow.