I’ve tried to find the number of people with cluster B personality disorders but I’ve only been able to find the lifetime prevalence. I am interested in knowing the proportion of people with a cluster B personality disorders at any one time. The lifetime prevalence can be useful information but it cannot be relied upon to estimate the proportion of people who are in cluster B. After all, the lifetime prevalence of the common cold is near 100% yet far less than 100% of people have a cold at any time of the year.
So, are there stats on how many people have a cluster B personality disorder at any one time?
Correct me if I am wrong but cluster B are lifelong, it isn’t something you are cured of or that appears out of the blue.
Generally speaking, before DSM-V they were classified separately from mental disorders, indicating a semi-permanent state. Currently they are not in the same place, although they still aren’t considered transient. People can mellow with age, e.g. borderline.
What figures do you have for prevalence?
From various sources, averaging them out, I’m getting about 10% of the population.
That means: antisocial + borderline + histrionic + narcissistic percentages? Not for any? Either way, seems high, but maybe not if you are measuring traits (meet at least some of the criteria, but not the minimum criteria for diagnosis, e.g. “3 or more of the following”).