What is this [ball-like object]?..............

I saw it on another board. The guy that posted it didn’t know either…


A giant rubber band ball.

Pretty wierd, huh?

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General Questions Moderator

I have a HUGE rubber band ball. I saw that video a while back and it tempted me to cut it in half. But it was a lot of work to make it. Far too much work to ruin it like that. Having a rubber band ball the size of a volley ball sitting in my kitchen makes for a nice conversation piece.

One can get a similar, albeit more violent, reaction from an old golf ball. The white cover must be removed first.

You should set up a webcam so folks can watch it grow. Then sell chances to guess how many bands it contains when you finally decide to whack it.

Almost nightmare fuel.

That would be really, really boring. I don’t think I’ve added anything to it since college and I’m pretty sure all that happens to it now is that I move it around every few months when it gets in the way. I’m amazed that it still smells. After all these years, every once in a while I’ll walk past it and I can still smell rubber bands in the air.