What is this on my backhand?

There a small spot on the back of my hand, and there a little lumps filled with a clear-ish liquid. The area surrounding the bumps is red, and is somewhat itchy. What is it?

We can’t diagnose things here on an Internet message board. It could be anything.

  1. Insect bite?
  2. Allergy?
  3. Burn?

Go see a doctor.

  1. Poison ivy?
  2. Chicken pox?
  3. Shingles?

Get thee to a physician.

Egad, wei, you have verbophage syndrome. If you don’t get treatment soon, you won’t be able to use verbs at all. You’ll go around saying, “Wow, dude. Lunch? Where next class? Bummer. Later! Totally. Ewwwwww. No Way.”

Alien Implants.