In a previous thread I asked about some board etiquette issues. Specifically one reply suggested that I thank each and every person who posts a reply. Another post then showed up suggesting that would be thread bumping.
Now I do like to thank people for their replies, but of late I try to insert a general thank you with the op.
If I have a reply to a question, I try to insert a thank you with my reply.
Thread bumping is generally the act of replying (unnecessarily) to a thread for the purpose of keeping the thread near the top of the page of most recently active threads.
A single bump to thank everyone is no big deal, and in fact many folks would probably appreciate the thanks. Just don’t be excessive about it. Don’t repeatedly bump the thread just to keep thanking people if the thread keeps getting new posts. If every other post in the thread is a thank you, that’s too much.
Here’s what our FAQ says about bumping:
Note that it specifically states that bumping the thread to thank those who responded to your question is not considered a bump. Just don’t be excessive about it.
It may not be against the rules, but I would suggest not thanking everyone in separate posts. A single post makes far more sense. A bunch of small posts in a row gets annoying, so better to combine them if you can.
Heck, I worry repeatedly that I’m pushing things too far when I reply to multiple posters in separate posts, all in a row.