What is "Threadspotting"?

I’ve clicked on the Threadspotting link a couple of times and its entertaining but I’m not sure what it is. Could it enhance my SDMB experience in ways I do not yet know?

People submit links to tubadiva. These are of threads from the SDMB that people think are amusing or informative in some way. Perhaps sufficiently so to entice viewers of the main Straight Dope page to investigate and sign up to the Boards. You can see a bunch of them from the past few years here.

What hawthorne said.

And since you asked, I have to say you folks have been slacking off lately and more and more I have to go to the board and find them myself, so you’re dealing solely with my time-impaired choices here. (I never have as much time to read the board as I would like, let alone write to it for fun. [sigh])

So help a girl out already and show me the best of the SDMB!


You could regret this post you know. :wink:


I was wondering what was going on. I saw it change three times in two days (rather short limelight, eh?), and then the next three or four lasted several (boring) days each.

I’ll see what I can do to make things unbearable for you, e-mail-wise. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually I put up fresh Threadspottings and Weird Earls Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with occasional (rare) placements on other days. Those usually happen when I get something that really fits a special day and that day falls on Tuesday or Thursday.

I’ve also removed Weird Earls when demand blew a site out; it’s not helpful to send you to something that’s been shut down. I’ve replaced Threadspottings when additional postings changed the content so that it was no longer something worth billboarding on the front page.
