What is "won't" a contraction of?

Seems to me the word, “won’t” essentially means “will not.” So, shouldn’t the word be “willn’t,” or maybe “win’t?”

Where does the ‘o’ in “won’t” come from?

willn’t just doesn’t sound good

From dictionary.com:
“won’t \Won’t\ A colloquial contraction of woll not. Will not.”

It looks like “woll” is an obsolete term for will.

Probably from German; “wöllen” is the German equivalent of “will” in English. (Actually, this isn’t quite true for modern German and modern English, but is probably the origin of “woll” as an older form of “will”.)

I amn’t exactly sure.


I’ll be damned. Stupid SD search engine. :frowning: :mad: