What is your dream job?


Now, if I could make mice that qualify for a Monster Manual entry or 20. . . :smiley: :smiley:

Analytical Chemical technician, with an emphasis on environmental controls/remediation.
And for one brief, shining moment I had it, too. sob

I want to know how Samantha Brown got that job. Because she sucks at it.

Good Lord. When do the Robo-babes with the silly-string machine guns show up?

My dream job is to run a small workshop/company where I design and build one-off, custom-modded water-cooled gaming personal computers out of custom-machined stainless steel and acrylic. Machines like these, designed/built by a genius named G-gnome:



This past May, since May, Boston.

I’ve applied for jobs all over the country, not that it’s helped me much so far …

One where I’m not expected to lie to clients in order to make a sale and where Correct Delivery is valued more than overtime :stuck_out_tongue: or “delivery on time but we’ll have to stick around for three months fixing things.”

Ideally it would be one where I’d be given a task (or series of), be able to ask for any clarifications needed, give an estimate (a generous one, I’ll never understand why people always give ETAs they can’t meet - are they that bad at calculating time and effort, or do they think it’s what the client wants to hear? to me a realistic ETA has to include the possibility of missing a sick day), do my job, do any required touch-ups, get paid. I’ve actually had jobs like that. And in some, there was even a bonus for “no touch ups needed.”

I’m thinking of dropping out of this consulting stuff (where I keep being slotted into support for badly-designed systems, when what I’m good at is implementation and optimization) and going into Translations.

You may have hit onto something interesting there. How many food critics or travel reporters talk about traveling/eating out with
someone with allergies
a diabetic, or celiac?

Most of the population doesn’t have a cast-iron stomach; many people, when on vacation, travel with their kids and would like to go “somewhere other than McD” but the travelogues don’t take kids into account at all. Or diabetes :stuck_out_tongue: (my mother and aunt both just joined the ranks).

One of my dream jobs would be to be one of those Oblivion Seekers in Morocco. All they do is sit around in a cave and smoke hash, drink tea and dispense friendly advice.

The other one would be to drive a truck around checking on things; not fixing them or being responsible for them, just go and check and maybe take readings. Flood gages in remote areas, stuff like that.

Caterer/Event Planner

Or own my own bar and grill.

I don’t think I’d actually have the stomach for it, but I always thought it would be great to be an international currency trader. You start out with Dollars, trade them for some Yen, then Euros, a few Pounds, and back to Dollars, ending up with (hopefully) more than you started with. The only job where you can literally make money out of thin air!

A friend of mine once speculated that someone has to stand around all day at Sea World, surrounded by women in bikinis, and play with dolphins.

The only downside we could think of was handling dead fish.


I’m sorry, but your reference has me puzzled… :confused:

Lucky duck! Good for you.

Maybe that is how she got the job.
For me, I’d like to be a professional organizer. Get everything in place and then don’t look back to see if things have been reclutterfied since I left.

Something in video game design would be nice. That or an author.

I plan on working with SCORE when I retire or just consulting for the local SBA office. I like figuring out how to make people’s businesses grow/start up.

I’d have to be extraordinarily wealthy though. Otherwise the dream job is more along the lines of rose/grape farmer.

Truly a dream job? Run an investment bank and make millions by day, Ethan Hunt by night, followed up by spending the twilight years of my life as First Dictator of Earth.

If you’re gonna dream, I say, then dream.

Travel writer and/or food writer. Specifically, I’d like to do what Alton Brown did in Feasting on Asphalt, though I’d write instead of film and take an old convertible instead of a motorcycle.

Writer would be great in general, but I’d want to have a little fame and fortune at it. I’d want to be popular enough to draw good crowds at book signings, but obscure enough to be able to go out to dinner without being mobbed. (Musician at the same level of fame would also be OK.)

Writing fiction that’s beloved by both the masses and the critics, or some form of game design.

If I had the extreme broad-range of skills required (I’m slowly getting there):
