What is your favorite love story movie?

Shakespeare in Love

I just rewatched (500) Days of Summer which I really like. It’s kind of a sad love story with a cute ending.

I’m pretty obsessed with good love stories.

I’d have to say my favorites are:

  1. Under a Tuscan Sun - because she falls in love with herself instead of someone else.

  2. Practical Magic - Not just a romance, but about the love between sisters.

  3. Gone With the Wind - because it is tragic and beautiful.

  4. The Princess Bride - Because it has everything.

Nods to The Proposal,The Matchmaker, and But I’m A Cheerleader, because those are probably my favorite Romcoms.

The ultimate tragic romance:*** Lolita***. I much prefer the Adrian Lyne version, since the tone is closer by far to that of the book.

The Princess Bride and Shakespeare in Love having been mentioned I’ll fall back on my third pick: Return to Me. A somewhat (to put it mildly) contrived plotline, but good-to-very-good performances all around and some genuinely touching moments.

The opening of Up.

Seconded. Total schmaltz, but Seymour and Reeve were so good together.

The Before Sunrise trilogy is also on my list.

You’re certainly entitled to your opinion, however grotesquely mistaken it is. She was spirited and spunky, certainly, but never “almost bitchy” IMHO.

That’s a more complicated question than you’d think.

Probably my favorite movie centered on a love story is His Girl Friday. I love that movie. I love Grant, Russell, the banter, the politics, and my lord, the timing. I loved every thing about that movie …

Except the love story. I*** hated*** the love story.

The favorite love stories that come to mind are To Have and Have Not and Key Largo.

Even thinking about that makes me tear up.

My favourite rom-com too, hysterical, so well-acted and the dialogue is brilliant. I could probably quote every scene as I watched it in a cinema several times and at home several more. Every time I watch it the scene with the doctor at her home brings a tear to my eye.

Antichrist. Don’t let the title dissuade you. Pop a bottle of Cold Duck and toast some frozen mini pizza bagels, snuggle up on the beanbag, and let the magic unfold.

All of Me, starring Steve Martin and Lily Tomlin. It’s pure silliness all the way through, but the ending scene of them dancing always chokes me up.

City of Angels, Nicolas Cage & Meg Ryan. Pure schmaltzy glurb that rips my heart out every damned time I watch it.

All of these are quite good, too.

Up manages a beautiful love story in about the first ten minutes.

I’ve a huge soft spot for Notting Hill, and Wings of Desire is probably my favourite film.

:eek: I had to strenuously tell my friend to not even think about seeing this – she is very good-hearted and feels things really hard. I didn’t want to tell her anything about it beyond “don’t go near it”! Funny you should mention Cold Duck – I saw it around midnight on New Year’s Eve some years ago. What a twisted beginning to a year!
I forgot one I love – Something New. Simon Baker at his dreamiest.

Girl Shy, with Harold Lloyd and Jobyna Ralston. One of Lloyd’s best.

City of Angels is the blasphemous American remake of Wings of Desire. :wink:
(See post #11)

Yes indeed. That is probably my favorite scene as well.

If you like Keira Knightly and you’ve never seen Fred Claus (2007), I would like to recommend it to you.

But beware! Most people seem to strongly dislike this movie. They give many reasons. One of the most common is that it stars Vince Vaughn and they despise Vince Vaughn. I must admit that I dislike him as well. But in this film his personality is restrained somehow and the film is filled with wonderful moments. I really enjoyed this film and I hope you will too. It is really and truly a barrel of fun.

Oh Dang! My big mistake. This film stars Rachel Weisz and not Keira Knightly. So Sorry. But I decided to leave this post intact because some people may not have seen this movie and I still think it’s a real beauty. It was only rated 5.6 on IMDB and I think that was a terrible rating. I would have rated it at least 7.0 - maybe 7.5.