What is your mood when you wake up in the morning?

Irritated. Either I HAVE to get up to go to work or I HAVE to get up to pee. Sometimes I bribe myself. “If you get up you can have a cup of coffee.” “If you sleep too long you won’t get to sleep at a reasonable time tonight and you know you have to get up early tomorrow.” I feel much better after an hour or two, and am more likely to have rational thoughts.

Maybe I just hate being ‘forced’ to do something, even if it’s getting to work so I can pay the mortgage so I can keep the house.

Ever since I moved here to the mountains, I wake up cheerful.
No commute!

I wake up every morning with a smile upon my face.
My natural exuberance spills out all over the place.
I’m the Urban Spaceman, baby.

This sums me up perfectly. There’s no “mood” to speak of.

Usually I’m in a fairly good mood by the time the day gets going, though.

I wake up in a good mood, but anybody who’s singing audibly at the hours I wake up should be shouted at in a very low voice, smacked, drawn and quartered. 5am is not a decent hour to be singing, whether you’re coming from a party or fluffing up the bedcovers.

I’m one of those people who “get kicked out by the bed” and have always been so. It appears to be a birth defect, as well as a social one.

Generally pretty neutral and functional. I never lie in, never hit snooze, but after leaping out of bed, I’m only really thinking about the details of my morning ablutions. Once I’m out of the front door, I start to have a mood - it’s usually quietly optimistic.

Depends on what I have to do that day.

I’m either groggy as all fuck, or full-on startled and alert. I never get the happy “gosh, I’m so refreshed” feeling.

Idontwannarun, Idontwannarun, Idontwannarun… holy shit how’d I get to the track?

After that I am generally optimistic and happy.

So basically, I am a zombie until I hit a magical wake up point, then I’m right as rain.

I wake up instantly - fully awake and alert - and can do extremely complicated things. DON’T, however, expect me to be social and friendly. I will be quiet and serious and just answer as briefly as I can if you must engage me in conversation.

After a shower, coffee, breakfast, I am usually pretty cheerful for the rest of the day.


This is a near-perfect description of me in the morning. Except I don’t “leap” out of bed. I sort of stagger around for a minute or two but get my bearings pretty quickly

I am not a happy camper when I wake up. It’s all around better if no one speaks to me for awhile.

Gloomy, but not mean. I’m good by about 9:30.

I was born at 6:37 AM - and that was the first and last time I got up early on my own free will.

Just don’t talk to me in the morning, and really - don’t even think about asking me a question that needs thought. Give me half an hour to cruise internet, drink my Diet Coke and settle into the day. Then I am just fine and dandy!

If I had my druthers, days would begin at noon.

This is an excellent description of me in the morning as well. No actual mood unless quiet counts as a mood. Once I get moving and settled I tend to start out happy but it takes about half an hour.

Same. I remember being a kid and having my dad pound on my door a few minutes before my alarm was set to go off, and I’d feel absolute heart-pounding murderous rage at him for waking me up so rudely and robbing me of the last two minutes of my sleep. Like, really, if I could have killed him without leaving the comfort of my bed, he’d be a goner.

Now I feel that toward my alarm clock if it wakes me from a dead sleep (I usually wake up a few minutes before naturally and just lie there resting my eyes until it rings). Why the hell do they have to be so shrill? I need some gentle chimes to ease me out of the embrace of sleep, not HONK HONK HONK.

Lately and much too often, this has been the first word I say in the morning if it’s a work day.

That being said, I’m normally another wind-up toy.

Same for me.

And whether or not I shit the bed again.