What I've Eaten Today...so far

Yes. They’re English muffins by another name. I like ATBs because, unlike Thomas’s English Muffins and others, they don’t have a ‘holey’ surface; which makes them better for spreading the Vegemite.

Ah, I see. Thanks. I go through periods of having muffins, crumpets and just plain toast for breakfast. But always with Vegemite.

Good share. :wink:


A latte and a muffin. A handful of trail mix. A butterscotch candy and a starlight mint. Now I’m off to find a good dinner. Mmmm, sushi; maybe Thai.

And no diarrhea, thank you.

I had so far:

A snickerdoodle.

A frappucino.

I am making roast chicken, homemade macaroni and cheese, and steamed vegetables for dinner.

I wish the chicken would hurry up and finish roasting.

Ten pancakes
Six sausage links
Scrambled eggs
Apple danish
Three pieces of french toast
Four glasses of Pepsi

Two cheeseburgers
Two medium fries
Medium Coke

A few veggies
Can of Sprite

Mmm…teenage metabolism. :smiley:

Monday’s intake so far:

[li] a bowl of sultana bran[/li][li] two slices of toast with Vegemite[/li][li] a glass of orange juice[/li][li] a banana[/ul][/li]
[li] a roast beef, lettuce and cheese sandwich[/li][li] a mandarin[/ul][/li]
For dinner, I’ve got some yummy pumpkin soup that I made over the weekend.

1 slice wheat toast with peanut butter and jelly
1 sardine sandwich
3/4 cup lentil soup
1 can diet root beer
1/4 of an egg sandwich
3/4 of a tomato sandwich
hot, strong tea
4 oz pomegranate juice
3 rye crackers with remains of egg salad
8 oz skim milk
1 cupcake
chamomile tea

Now brushing my teeth and going to bed.

Half a slice of fruit cake
2 small rolls with smoked salmon, cream cheese, avacado and capers
A mint slice biscuit (cookie)

A can of diet coke
A cup of coffee
A few glasses of water

Curry on toast tonight

Breakfast: Ham and tomato sammich on white bread with a bottle of pulpy OJ

Lunch: Bupkus

Dinner: Fettucini in Tomato Cream sauce, a cup of Pasta Fagioli, and bread with pignoli olive oil dipping sauce, and a mountain dew slurpee on the drive home from the restaurant (i’m such a philistine).

Just now: a St. Maarten sammich (1/2 a baguette, light mayo, turkey, gouda and sprouts, inspired by my favorite caribbean bakery.)

It’s 5.00PM AEST here, and I’ve had:

Coupla potato cakes and a dimmie.
Two cups of coffee
Some strange dish from the Japanese takeaway near work that amounted to some braised chicken with rice and salad
A bowl of miso soup.

I’m now cooking a green Thai chicken curry for dinner.

Oh, and two glasses of Cab Sav. :smiley:


Dinner turned out to not be curry on toast, it was bourbon on coke.

I’ve never seen anything called an ATB, but Google found me this page, which just adds to my confusion. I like toasted English muffins (but not usually the American “mushroom-style” ones), and baking-powder biscuits, and scones, but I’ll have to find some ATBs.

Meanwhile, all I had today was coffee for breakfast, a few cashews, some crackers with assorted cheese, a few kumquats, and water. Supper will be ham (I might fry it), potato salad, and peas. That might go well with a beer. Maybe I’ll have ice cream later (Reed’s ginger chocolate!).

It’s 6:30 pm here, and so far, I’ve had two Hot Pocket Sub things (Ham & Cheese) at about nine this morning and a Med. Whopper value meal from Burger King around 2:30 this afternoon. I’m hungry.

The title of this thread, and its contents, are the very definition of Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share.