What mammal has the largest testicles compared to its overall body size?

Just curious.

I don’t know if they are the largest, but I saw an article years back about a largish monkey that competes among themselves largely with sexual endurance contests. They had scrotums that were nearly as big as their head IIRC.

The mammal with the largest testes in absolute size is the Right Whale, in which they can weigh 500 kg each. That is, however, only about 1% of body weight.

Bonobos, perhaps?

Why are rat testicles so big?

Someone’s done a nice graph of testicle size vs mass for different species, but I’m not finding it on the internet tonight.

Are you looking for a whole species or just an individual? I can’t help you on the former but I am pretty sure I know the latter especially when I was skinnier.

No, they were tree living moneys, not apes.

This little feller’s doin’ pretty good.

Mice are well endowed in that department; I don´t know if their weight to family jewlery ratio is the best around, but it has to be close. In any case, and as a WAG I´d look into the rodents branch for the winner.

At least one bat, Rafinesque’s Big-eared Bat, has testes that amount to 8.4% of its body weight.

Research on bats has indicated an inverse correlation between testes size and brain size: Bigger balls means smaller brains.

This relationship does not hold across taxa however; among our closest relatives, chimps (and I assume bonobos) have the largest testes, gorillas the smallest, while humans are intermediate.

Criminy! That would be like . . . well, I guess we can all do the math.

Dare I ask, are these bats also well endowed in the schlong department?

Well, if you were really interested in relative testicle size in primates, might I point you to the following paper by Adolph Schultz, “The relative weight of the testes in primates” [warning pdf] - from 1938! This just came up in Google, believe it or not.

Anyway, maybe someone more knowledgeable than I can comment on the validity of the findings, but the author describes his examination of upwards of 80 small and large, new and old world primates, and humans. He finds that macaques have the largest relative testicle size (noting that an 8kg bonnet macaque had testes larger than a 69kg man); among the large primates, chimps had the relatively largest testes, and gorillas seemingly the smallest.

Hope that helps.

Jack Bauer

I was wrong, its not Jack Bauer, the title goes to the Lonk.

You can find out what a lonk is on this thread.

Scylla’s goat!

“Then the goat hit puberrty…”

One of the all-time great SDMB lines.

That. was. fucking. hilarious!!!

I had to go to the restroom so people wouldn’t see me at my desl laughing like a maniac!

Of course, by “Jack Bauer” you mean “Chuck Norris.”


Well I’ve got big balls
