What matters to you in a relationship?

I’m a 26YO male looking for a female.

Does Looks?: What ultrafilter said.
Does Height?: Not really. I find I’m usually attracted to shorter women, though.
Does Intelligence?: Yes.
Does Common sense?: Indeed.
Does Religion?: Kind of. We need to have compatible belief systems.
Does Race?: Nope.
Does Gender?: Yes.
Does Employment?: Yes.
Does Job Type?: Not really.
Does Body size (Weight)?: She should take care of herself. This doesn’t mean that she has to have a “perfect” body.
Does Education?: I’d like to have at least finished high school.
Does Family? (as in, does it matter if your family or their family doesn’t like you or them or what not?): Not so much. My dad wasn’t particularly happy with my last girlfriend (she was bisexual), but I kept dating her anyway.
Does Age?: No, although I don’t think I’d want to date someone who was much older or younger.
Does Nice eyes?: If I like her, I’m sure I’ll like her eyes.
Does Taste in Animals?: If she’s allergic to cats, then I don’t think we’d have much of a future. Loki’s not going anywhere.
Does Having a Car?: Depends. I live in Northern VA, where everyone pretty much has to have a car to get by. If I moved to NYC, then it wouldn’t really matter.
Does Taste in Music?: It doesn’t have to match mine. But I don’t think I could date someone who thinks that Justin Timberlake is the greatest performer of the decade.
Does Distance?: I’m not really into long distance relationships.
Does Disablity?: To be honest, I haven’t really thought about this one.
Does Humor?: If we can’t make each other laugh, it’s not going to go anywhere.
Does Romanticism?: I guess so.

Hmmm … I’m married and not looking either, but this is interesting, so:

Does Money make a difference on who you choose to be in a relationship with?: Not much.

Does Looks?: Yes, but in my experience the more I like someone the more attractive he/she is to me, so I guess that’s debateable.
Does Height?: No
Does Intelligence?: Absolutely, yes!
Does Common sense?: Again, absolutely!
Does Religion?: No, as long as he can respect my views and not try to convert me or anything.
Does Race?: No
Does Gender?: Yes
Does Employment?: Yes and no. If it’s a temporary unemployment, layoff, etc. I’d overlook it.
Does Job Type?: No
Does Body size (Weight)?: Not much
Does Education?: No. Intelligence and education don’t always go hand in hand.
Does Family? (as in, does it matter if your family or their family doesn’t like you or them or what not?): Yes
Does Age?: Yes. I’d say my ideal range would be 25-40.
Does Nice eyes?: No (but my husband does have very nice eyes)
Does Taste in Animals?: Yes. I’m a pet lover.
Does Having a Car?: Yes. Where I live, you can’t be without one.
Does Taste in Music?: No. If he has his own car, he can listen to his own damn music, can’t he?
Does Distance?: Yes.
Does Disablity?: That’s so broad. If we’re talking wheelchair, no, that wouldn’t stop me from entering a relationship. Other disabilities? Haven’t really thought about it I guess.
Does Humor?: Definitely!
Does Romanticism?: A little, but not much.

Does Money?: No – Of course, making us go broke would be bad
Does Looks?: Yes – Unfortanately, as I already don’t meet enough people
Does Height?: No – In the 6’ range would of course be best though for kissin’
Does Intelligence?: YES – I would wear someone not intelligent into a little nub if I had to live with them
Does Common sense?: See previous
Does Religion?: No – Though not if they want to convert me and what to teach any kids would be a big debate
Does Race?: No – Thankfully, as I don’t meet enough people
Does Gender?: Yes – I like women (they’re just nicer (seeming :wink: ))
Does Employment?: No – Except if she intended to get into professional housewifing
Does Job Type?: No – Though I would shy from anyone who volunteers for special interests as they tend to have personal issues that volunteering allows them to ignore (that I have met and dated)
Does Body size (Weight)?: Yes – Would have to be bony
Does Education?: Not in terms of what their last grade level was. But someone who enjoyed learning and sought to learn more would be a must
Does Family? (as in, does it matter if your family or their family doesn’t like you or them or what not?): Not to me. And assuming that your parents love you, in the end what matters isn’t whether they like me now, it’s whether they can keep disliking me after I make your life great. (Beats chest.)
Does Age?: To an extent (generally plus or minus 5 years, just thinking in terms of practicability and life spans–and in general an older female will be better since women live longer)
Does Nice eyes?: Lumped in with looks
Does Taste in Animals?: Someone who didn’t like animals would be troublesome as eventually I would want pets. (And no escargot!)
Does Having a Car?: No
Does Taste in Music?: So long as she had specific things she did like and not drifting with the band of the month
Does Distance?: Haven’t tried long distance, but don’t imagine I would mind (I’m patient)
Does Disablity?: I don’t know anyone with a disability so I can’t say. Probably, deaf, blind, etc. wouldn’t bother me, but paralyzed, diabetic, or otherwise in a position of needing physical aid if not in a state of deterioration I would not want to get started with. Partly because I don’t think I could be both a nurse and a partner at the same time–or if the person was dying I would drive myself insane.
Does Humor?: So long as I could make her laugh.
Does Romanticism?: So long as I could dash her off her feet.

And oh yes: I’m also a 26YO male seeking a female–and MUCH better than that Lord Ashtar fellow so LOOK NO FURTHER! :wink:

What issues have you encountered?

Does Money make a difference on who you choose to be in a relationship with?: No, as long as he can pay his own way

Does Looks?: a little bit. Good grooming at least
Does Height?: not at all. I love my fiance and he’s two inches shorter. If he suddenly grew another foot (dont say it) I’d still love him.
Does Intelligence?: yes
Does Common sense?: yes
Does Religion?: I’m not interested in fanatics but I can handle differences
Does Race?: no
Does Gender?: yes, I’m not attracted to other women
Does Employment?: no as long as he can pay his own bills
Does Job Type?: definitely not
Does Body size (Weight)?: I’ve always been attracted to chubby guys but my fiance isn’t at all
Does Education?: nope, Mig had two years of school, first and second grade
Does Family? (as in, does it matter if your family or their family doesn’t like you or them or what not?): not really
Does Age?: no as long as he’s legal
Does Nice eyes?: yes that seems to be the main physical thing I’m attracted to
Does Taste in Animals?: He must like cats or at least understand my love for cats
Does Having a Car?:yeah kinda. I’ve dated guys without cars, but since I don’t have one…
Does Taste in Music?: No. I can live with Mig’s hours of mariachi music although it’s not something I care for. As long as he doesn’t mock my Rush!
Does Distance?: yes, I never could understand long-distance relationships. Not for me at all.
Does Disablity?: Depends on what the disability is and how he handles it.
Does Humor?: Most definitely
Does Romanticism?: If a man doesn’t know how to be romantic I’m not interested at all.

Does Money?: I wouldn’t get involved with someone who is a shopaholic or something. I want responsible.

Does Looks?: I tend to find that most people have something attractive about them. So, yes and no.

Does Height?: No, though I do like tall.

Does Intelligence?: Huge deal.

Does Common sense?: Meh. Not really.

Does Religion?: I prefer atheists.

Does Race?: Nope. I don’t tend to find blondes super attractive, though.

Does Gender?: I think so.

Does Employment?: No. My husband is disabled and it’s no big.

Does Job Type?: Oops. I guess this is where I should put the legal answer.

Does Body size (Weight)?: Yes if it means incapacitation. Otherwise no. Super skinny isn’t generally attractive to me.

Does Education?: I don’t like ignorance, but it doesn’t need to be formal education. Well-read is good.

Does Family?: It’s easier if they get along with my fambly. I wouldn’t hold their famblies against 'em.

Does Age?: I’d probably feel awkward with someone really young.

Does Nice eyes?: Meh.

Does Taste in Animals?: I’m an animal lover. Someone who is cavalier about animals is not for me.

Does Having a Car?: Not really.

Does Taste in Music?: Nope.

Does Distance?: Nope.

Does Disablity?: Nope. Though I’m sure there are disabilities I couldn’t handle.

Does Humor?: Absolutely. I want to laugh.

Does Romanticism?: A little.

38 year old female, looking for male

**Does Money?: ** not really as long as he’s not sponging off me and can afford to go out for the occasional meal/movie.

Does Looks?: Shallowy, yes, they matter. However, I do find that if I really like a guy’s personality, he starts looking more and more attractive.

Does Height?: Nope. One, I’m only 5’5" anyway so thare aren’t that many guys shorter than me. And I’ve discovered that many shorter guys are cuter and more charming than tall guys. I think I actually prefer guys who are on the “shorter” end.

Does Intelligence?: Absolutely. Don’t have to be smarter than me (tho’ it helps) but we have to be able to talk.

Does Common sense?: Yep. I get irritated by people who constantly do silly things that could be avoided.

Does Religion?: I don’t care what religion a guy is but it wouldn’t work if he were of an evangilical religion or if my not having a religion was important to him.

**Does Race?: ** Nope.

**Does Gender?: ** Yep, I’m pretty het.

Does Employment?: See above with the money. I dotn’ care what he does as long as he’s not totally impoverished.

Does Job Type?: Nope.

Does Body size (Weight)?: Yep. It’s shallow but I work hard to keep myself trim and want someone who does the same.

Does Education?: Kinda. I don’t really care if he has a degree if he has an active curiosity about the world and reads on his own.

**Does Family? (as in, does it matter if your family or their family doesn’t like you or them or what not?): ** Nope.

Does Age?: Yep. Although it’s more of a mindset than an actual age cutoff.

Does Nice eyes?: I can’t really imagine what un-nice eyes are like.

Does Taste in Animals?: He has to like animals (which I think is indicitive of personality) and tolerate cats.

Does Having a Car?: Nope.

**Does Taste in Music?: ** Sorta. Although this is becoming less important the older I get. But I still can’t imagine falling for someone who likes to blast Celine Dion all day.

Does Distance?: Yep.

Does Disablity?: I think it would depend on the disability. I once had a huge crush on a cute guy in a wheelchair I used to know. I’m not sure about something more extreme like cerebral palsy.

Does Humor?: Yep.

**Does Romanticism?: ** Not sure what you mean by this. Mushiness? I’m not much into grand gestures but if he were, I don’t think it’d be a dealbreaker.

Does what they like to do in their spare time matter to you? Yep. If all he does is sit around and play video games, it wouldn’t work.

Do their goals in life matter? Well, things like mutual agreement on wanting or not wanting kids does. And things like does he aspire to but a house in the 'burbs whereas I wanna live central. I guess that’s part of core values.

Does their attitude towards the world and the people in it matter? Yep. I know people who absolutely no empathy towards those who aren’t like them. I would have trouble with that.

Do their interests matter? Yep. They don’t have to be exactly the same but there should be some common ground.

One thing you haven’t mentioned is politics and political party affiliation. that’s hugely important for many people. (including me)

Even though this is already 100% anonymous, I still generally feel rude for listing out other peoples personal issues. This is however a place for frank discussions (while 100% anonymous) so generically:

Anger issues (for instance, getting angry and forcing herself to vomit in her parents bathroom then leave without flushing. THEN inform me she had done it.)

Inability to get anything done (do homework, do her own work or hobbies, buy clothes, comb her hair. She did bathe though)

Very difficult to get aroused (and still very unresponsive afterwords–which is not a pleasant experience)

More anger issues (getting very mad about little things I had done five days later without a hint in the meantime that I had done something annoying)

I also have some friends who have worked for or dated people in social or volunteer work and it does seem that there are a lot of people in there who have a lot of repressed anger.

I’m happily married, but let’s give this a shot.
Does Money make a difference on who you choose to be in a relationship with?:

Do Looks?:
Difficult to answer. I have an idiosyncratic collection of physical preferences that I tend to be attracted to. Having said that, personality is what really makes me fall in love with someone.

Does Height?:
I tend to be attracted to men taller than I am- usually quite a lot taller. I’m 5"4, so this isn’t a hard characteristic to find. Again, not hard-and-fast. I’ve had crushes on guys my height.

Does Intelligence?:
Yes. I don’t like spending a lot of time with people less intelligent than I am. I prefer equal partnership.

Does Common sense?:
Well, as featherlou said, one of us has to have it!

Does Religion?:
Yes. I am a conservative Christian, and religion is something I would prefer to agree about with my partner.

Does Race?:

Does Gender?:
Yep. I am only attracted to men.

Does Employment?:
Depends on the situation. I probably would be wary of dating someone who had been unemployed for a very long time, and who didn’t have pretty good reasons (mental illness, general health problems) for it.

Does Job Type?:
Don’t think so.

Does Body size (Weight)?:
I don’t think I would be immediately attracted to someone who was morbidly obese, but I might become attracted to them over time.

Does Education?:
Not really. I like bookish people, but degrees don’t matter.

Does Family? (as in, does it matter if your family or their family doesn’t like you or them or what not?):
It would be happier if we could all get along, but no, not really.

Does Age?:
Not under twenty or over forty, right now. I’m 26.

Does Nice eyes?:
Uh, well, I like nice eyes, but Idon’t go out hunting for partners based on eye type.

Does Taste in Animals?:
I like cats. I wouldn’t want to date another guy who absolutely hated cats.

Does Having a Car?:

Does Taste in Music?:
Well, it would be nice if there was some convergence.

Does Distance?:
I like to be pretty close to whomever I’m dating. I don’t know how I’d handle a long-distance relationship.

Does Disability?:

Does Humor?:
Yes. Preferably one that is similar to mine.

Does Romanticism?:
Romance is nice in small doses. I don’t look for continual professions of undying love.

The following assumes you are my SO, this is how I would feel:

Does Money make a difference**: ** No, but it’s fun
**Does Looks?: ** Somewhat, but beauty/ugliness is something I’ve found depends on how you carry what you’ve got. Sandra Bernhard is not especially pretty, but you don’t really care because clearly she doesn’t either.
Does Height?: No
Does Intelligence?: Yeah, or if you’re dumb at least don’t be wilfully ignorant
Does Common sense?: Yes
Does Religion?: Respect mine
Does Race?: Interesting. My initial reaction is “Yes,” but I think it’s just because of so many of the individuals of my “non-preferred” races have been incredibly hung up on race. I can easily name wimmin of many colors that I’ve found incredibly attractive and satisfying to be around–all of them simply were who they were and allowed me to be who I was–the colors all went away. So I’ll say No, and I don’t like people who are hung up on race.
Does Gender?: It has mattered so far.
**Does Employment?:**No, but you’re not a leech are you?
**Does Job Type?:**Legal job? Not selling your skin? Nope, doesn’t matter then.
**Does Body size (Weight)?:**No, but if you’re extreme one way or the other it would matter if you’re not happy with it, don’t want to do anything about it, and aren’t that way because of something you can’t control (no small intestine, etc.)
**Does Education?:**No, intelligence does matter though.
Does Family? (as in, does it matter if your family or their family doesn’t like you or them or what not?): Well, it makes things easier if we can all get along
**Does Age?:**get within a decade or we have less to talk about
**Does Nice eyes?:**yes
**Does Taste in Animals?:**no, gotta like cats tho
**Does Having a Car?:**no
**Does Taste in Music?:**Some
**Does Distance?:**Yes
**Does Disablity?:**No
**Does Humor?:**Yes
Does Romanticism?: No

I’m happily engaged, but I’ll answer hypothetically

Does Looks?: Yes, they do - I can’t see myself dating someone I’m not attracted to
Does Height?: Sort of - I generally prefer to date men who are close to my height, but I’ve dated men much taller as well (I’m 5’3", so it’s hard to find men much shorter) - it’s definitely not a deal breaker, though
Does Intelligence?: Yes, definitely
Does Common sense?: Yes
Does Religion?: Yes, it does - I’m not religious, and I wouldn’t want to raise my kids to be a certain religion, so this would cause problems in a serious relationship - in a casual relationship, it probably wouldn’t be an issue
Does Race?: Nope
Does Gender?: Yep, I prefer the men
Does Employment?: Yes - if he’s unemployed because of bad luck and a poor economy, I can deal with that - if he’s a slacker who doesn’t try to work, we won’t get along
Does Job Type?: Not really, but I’d prefer that he has a job he finds fulfilling as opposed to one that just pays the bills, but that’d be more for his happiness than a real relationship requirement
Does Body size (Weight)?: I wouldn’t initially be attracted to someone who was bone-thin or morbidly obese, but anything in between is all good
Does Education?: Not formal education, but I like someone to be well-read
Does Family? (as in, does it matter if your family or their family doesn’t like you or them or what not?): A little bit - I’d take it into consideration if my family didn’t like him, as they’re not the kind of people to dislike someone just because they can. They’d probably have a good reason not to. However, in the end it’s my decision.
Does Age?: Yes - I’m 24, and I’d prefer not to date someone more than a year or 2 younger than I am. Younger than that, they’re still mostly partying college students, at least around here. I probably would date someone up to age 35 before I really started to put limits. I wouldn’t want to be in a serious relationship with someone if they were old enough to start wanting kids right away. Or, if they were old enough that they’d feel too old to have a family by the time I was ready for one.
Does Nice eyes?: Yes, but if I like someone I can’t imagine I’d think they had ugly eyes, whatever that means.
Does Taste in Animals?: Yes. I love animals and like to have pets. It’s a big part of what I enjoy in life, and I’d want to be with someone who could share that and help take care of our pets.
Does Having a Car?: No, but I live in Boston where you can very easily get around with no car - in fact, a car can be a big hassle if you don’t travel a lot. I don’t have a car, either. However, if I lived somewhere where a car would be a necessity, it would be a more important factor.
Does Taste in Music?: As long as he doesn’t listen to country (well, pop-country, really) or pop obsessively I’m fine with whatever
Does Distance?: It depends. I wouldn’t keep up a lukewarm relationship over a distance, but I’d do it (and am doing it currently) for someone who’s worth it
Does Disablity?: It depends - I’ve never thought about it. I guess it wouldn’t matter as long as their disability still allowed them to be functional and go out and do things. I wouldn’t leave someone if they became incapacitated, but I wouldn’t seek them out if we weren’t already together, either.
Does Humor?: Definitely - a shared sense of humour is key.
Does Romanticism?: Depends on what you mean by this - I find it romantic when my fiance makes his Kingdom of Loathing character send my character special items. However, I don’t really go for grand sweeping gestures. It’s the small gestures that are important, IMHO. That’s the stuff that reminds me that he’s thinking of me.

Am I the only gay guy to check in so far? I’m lucky to have gotten nearly everything I wanted in a partner, whom I’ve been with for seven years.

Does Money make a difference: In and of itself, no. Education and career are important, so that often translates in to money.
Does Looks?: Yes. Not PC, but there it is.
Does Height?: No (though I’ve always had a bit of a weakness for shorter guys)
Does Intelligence?: Absolutely.
Does Common sense?: Yes
Does Religion?: I prefer non-religious, but “I’m religion X but don’t really practice or think about it much” is okay too. A practicing believer in anything is pretty much out.
Does Race?: Yes. Sorry, there I go being un-PC again, but I can’t help what I’m attracted to.
Does Gender?: Yell yeah
Does Employment?: Being employed is a must.
Does Job Type?: Specific job doesn’t matter as much as success and ambition.
Does Body size (Weight)?: I can give a good amount of leeway here.
Does Education?: The more education, the better.
Does Family? (as in, does it matter if your family or their family doesn’t like you or them or what not?): It’s preferable if we all get along, but if his family didn’t like me it wouldn’t make me want out of the relationship.
Does Age?: I usaully like a bit older.
Does Nice eyes?: If I like/ am attracted to the guy, I like his eyes.
Does Taste in Animals?: Got to like cats, or at least be willing to have them.
Does Having a Car?: no
Does Taste in Music?: no
Does Distance?: Yes
Does Disablity?: Never thought about it.
Does Humor?: A must
Does Romanticism?: I lurvs me some romance :smiley:

[Does Money?: Not really.
Does Looks?: Absolutely, as I doubt I woudl have asked my wife out if she was a cyclops (to borrow an ealier-posted example)

Does Height?: Not realy, but I’m 5’10", and would feel odd with a 6’+ lady

Does Intelligence?: Yes.

Does Common sense?: Not really.

Does Religion?: 100% yes. I absolutely refuse to be with a person whois religious. I think it obviates #4 and #5 above.

Does Race?: Naw.

Does Gender?: Yes

Does Employment?: No, but I wouldn’t be with a total slacker. If it was a hyphenated-unemployed, that would be fine

Does Job Type?: No

Does Body size (Weight)?: Yes, as a main part of my choosiness has to do with my SO being athletic and active

Does Education?: Yes. Must be college-educated. It’s a basis for shared experience.

Does Family?: No.

Does Age?: Yes. Within a few years

Does Nice eyes?: Two are fine.

Does Taste in Animals?: Not really

Does Having a Car?: Not really.

Does Taste in Music?: Nope.

Does Distance?: Yes. If it’s serious, I want to spend a great deal o time with her.

Does Disablity?: Yes, as activity is a large part of my current relationship…can’t see it any other way.

Does Humor?: Yes…I need someone to laugh at my stupidity.

**Does Romanticism? No.

This is a good thread, Idle Thoughts. I liked your last one too: “Would You Date Me?” It taught me some interesting things about the way people think. Anyhow, some answers for you:

Does Money make a difference on who you choose to be in a relationship with?:
Yes. Money is important. I like money. Being poor can put a terrible strain on a relationship, in my opinion. How you have your money is immaterial to me, though.

**Does Looks?: ** Yes, looks matter. I like handsome men. Naturally handsome, not too vain. Vain is my department.

Does Height?: Yes, height matters. I’m on the tall side, and I like a guy to be taller than I by at least an inch or two.

Does Intelligence?: Yes. I don’t mind if my boyfriend is smarter than I (which he most definitely is!). I like learning stuff. Conversely, I teach him patience and tolerace for wacky adventures, harebrained schemes and wildly fluctuating moods… he often tells me he feels like he’s dating Lucy Ricardo.

**Does Common sense?: ** Oh, baby, common sense is a big one. So much pain can be avoided or resolved by common sense.

Does Religion?: Yes. I have found that things go much more smoothly, at least in my experience, when my boyfriend is the same religion. My boyfriend is the same religion as I. I don’t care if he goes to church: I go, he doesn’t, and we’re cool with that. However, because we are the same religion, the two of us, in our case, share a lot of cultural aspects.

Does Race?: Yes. I’m more comfortable with someone of my own race in a relationship.

Does Gender?: Maybe. Sometimes I think if my boyfriend and I broke things off and I found a really wonderful woman I migh consider a long-term relationship, but right now it’s kind of a moot point.

Does Employment?: No, I don’t care. Work or not, just so you have a means of support. I think it would be depressing, though, to see a physically and mentally hale and healthy guy (who has money) lie around the house all day not doing anything. It might get to me if he didn’t want to do stuff with me. But there are circumstances where people who may seem physically able to get up and “do something” are NOT able to do so at all. That’s a vastly different story, and deserves, in my opinion, patience and compassion.

Does Job Type?: Not really. I don’t care if you work loading boxes at Walmart or as a Day Trader (both of which my boyfriend has done).

Does Body size (Weight)?: Yes, that matters. I like tall guys, broad shoulders, some muscles. I wouldn’t date a heavy guy. I have a terrible fear of me ever being fat, so it follows that I wouldn’t want to have to worry about it with my boyfriend.

Does Education?: Sort of, not too much. I’d like a guy to have decent secondary school, some college, doesn’t need to have necessarily graduated, as long as he’s similar to me culturally.

Does Family? (as in, does it matter if your family or their family doesn’t like you or them or what not?): Yes. I genuinely love it when we all get along. My family really likes my boyfriend. My boyfriend’s sons are a bit inscrutable when it comes to their feelings for me. They’re all grown and live pretty far away, so we don’t see them too much. I like them, though, and wish they kept in better contact.

Does Age?: Not really, as long as the man has kept his hair, physique, and teeth. Eighty and upward would be pushing it, though.

Does Nice eyes?: Yes. I am a sucker for good eyes. Dark eyes for sure.

Does Taste in Animals?: Yes. The man must love the felines. He must understand that all felines are premium animals.

Does Having a Car?: Yes. A car is to me is now a necessity, but I guess we wouldn’t need two if money was tight. As long as one of us had one we could probably manage. I hate driving anyway.

Does Taste in Music?: Yes. I really don’t like much music at all; the noise really bothers me. My boyfriend is the same way. I think if he liked music and played something like classic rock or blues and played it a lot I might have to hit his toes with a hammer. For what it’s worth, on the rare occasions when we do play music, our tastes are pretty similar.

Does Distance?: Yes. I’ve tried four long-distance relationships and they all ended unpleasantly. No more long-distance relationships.

Does Disablity?: Physical disability, probably, although if something happened to my boyfriend after we’d begun dating, I’d really try to adapt. Mental disability: no. My boyfriend and I met in a psychiatric hospital; we were both patients. He has profound depressive episodes, has tried to kill himself, and been hospitalized several times. Luckily, he has the personal means that allow him to live a fairly productive life and “hide” when he needs to. We’ve been through some interesting times and seen some pretty weird stuff, so mental disabilty I think I could handle.

Does Humor?: Absolutely, my dear. If you can’t laugh, you’ll cry. Gotta have a guy who laughs!

Does Romanticism?: No, not really. I’m not terribly romantic and neither is my boyfriend. We like our respective space. We aren’t demonstrative. We do the old “He Reads His Paper At the Breakfast Table While I Look at Department Store Ads” thing. I also buy my own flowers, jewelry, cologne, etc. We mostly go Dutch when we go out. I like it better that way… I don’t feel as dependent or something. Also when you buy your own stuff, you get exactly what you want and you don’t have to pretend to like it when it’s *so * not what you wanted!

Does Money make a difference on who you choose to be in a relationship with?: Not so much, except to the extent that it relates to employment.
Does Looks?: No way. Well, any particularly good-looking guy would have an additional hurdle to overcome if he wanted to date me, because I tend to presume that the pretty boys have already been spoiled by too much easy access to women. :smiley:
Does Height?: No, but it might if I wasn’t so ridiculously short that hardly any man I met would be shorter.
Does Intelligence?: Definitely. It makes a big difference in how much respect I have for someone, which is key in a relationship.
Does Common sense?: I don’t have it. On the one hand, it would be nice if ONE of us did, so as to keep the home from ‘sploding. On the other hand, how can I fault someone for not having it if I don’t?
Does Religion?: Yes, it needs to be someone who is either atheist or takes a kind of universalist approach to their religious beliefs, because I am an atheist and I wouldn’t enjoy being constantly judged.
Does Race?: I tend to find members of races besides my own more physicall attractive, but somehow I always end up dating men who are the same race as I am.
Does Gender?: I’m bisexual, but I don’t think I could be in a long-term relationship with a woman. I like women a LOT, but I wouldn’t want to sleep with one every day, whereas a man I would.
Does Employment?: This and job type are one of the things I’m really shallow about. It needs to be something white-collar, something that needs an education, something where he uses his brain, talks, writes, thinks, and earns his co-workers’ respect.
Does Job Type?: See above.
Does Body size (Weight)?: Not as far as physical attraction goes, but it matters because if I were going to be with someone long-term I’d want them in good enough shape to keep up with me in physical activities (wouldn’t want to go on a romantic hike with my boyfriend and have him huffing and puffing after twenty minutes… unless…) and the weight isn’t going to endanger his health long-term. I believe that losing excess weight is the number one thing you can do besides quitting smoking to lengthen and improve the quality of your life. If I love someone, I want them around and happy for as long as possible.
Does Education?: Yes, definitely. I need to be able to have deep discussions with my partner, and to respect him.
Does Family? (as in, does it matter if your family or their family doesn’t like you or them or what not?): It depends. If he cares about his family not liking me, then it matters a lot. If he really doesn’t care and isn’t particularly close to his family, it won’t cause problems. I don’t care if my family doesn’t like him (my dad and I have vastly different ideas on what constitutes a proper match for me).
Does Age?: I like 'em 3 1/2 years older than I am for some reason, but I’m flexible upwards of that. At this time, I wouldn’t date younger, but in twenty years I’m sure I’d be open to it.
Does Nice eyes?: Yes, I don’t care so much about “conventional” attractiveness, but all of the men I date have very nice eyes for some reason.
Does Taste in Animals?: As long as he is tolerant of all animals, and doesn’t feel the need to constantly make cracks about my affection towards animals, I don’t care if he particularly likes one kind or another.
Does Having a Car?: If it is because he is broke, then if he meets my snooty preferences with regard to employment it wouldn’t matter. Heck, that’s sensible, to be employed but saving money by not taking on a giant lump of debt. If it is because he just doesn’t want one, and is able to get around otherwise, that’s peachy.
Does Taste in Music?: I don’t care, as long as he doesn’t get an attitude about what other people like to listen to.
Does Distance?: No (carrying on an international love affair as we speak).
Does Disablity?: I’d like to think I could be open to it, but I have a hard time wrapping my mind around it. It would depend a lot on the kind of disability. Missing limbs would freak me out. Sensory disability would be a lot easier to handle. A wheelchair would be something I’d like to think I was mature enough to deal with, but I honestly don’t know.
Does Humor?: Definitely. This is huge.
Does Romanticism?: I like genuine romanticness. The Hallmark variety doesn’t please me.

Does Money make a difference ?: A bit… joining with someone “poorer” would mean sacrifices.

Does Looks?: Yes
Does Height?: No though I like tall women
Does Intelligence?: YES … dumb people are a big turn off
Does Common sense?: Yes
Does Religion?: Yes… I’d rather not have a religious person if I could chose. Not big.
Does Race?: Nope
Does Gender?: Yes of course !
Does Employment?: Sort of… see money answer
Does Job Type?: maybe
Does Body size (Weight)?: yes… I don’t like obesity
Does Education?: Yes … but as in intelligence is a factor.
Does Family? (as in, does it matter if your family or their family doesn’t like you or them or what not?): It can hurt… but otherwise one can always get away
Does Age?: Sort of… Age can determine compatibility of interests.
Does Nice eyes?: it helps
Does Taste in Animals?: I’m allergic to cats
Does Having a Car?: no
Does Taste in Music?: Helps to have good taste… turn on for me.
Does Distance?: hate distant relations
Does Disablity?: yep
Does Humor?: yep
Does Romanticism?: not much… I’m not too romantic myself

**Does Money?**Depends.
Does Looks?: I have to be attracted to them, but they don’t have to be perfect or anything.
Does Height?: Hopefully not too much taller then me, but not important.
Does Intelligence?: They can’t be an idiot. I like someone I can have intelligent conversations with.
Does Common sense? Yes
**Does Religion?:**If they believe in God, I’m not interested in a romantic relationship with them.
Does Race?: No
Does Gender?: Nope. Bi-sexual.
Does Employment?: I’d prefer them to have a job. If not, they should be looking for one. (Unless in university)
Does Job Type?: Nope
Does Body size (Weight)?: Yes. If they were fat then I’d be less likely to be attracted to them.
Does Education?: I prefer someone with an education.
Does Family? (as in, does it matter if your family or their family doesn’t like you or them or what not?): Nope
Does Age?: Yes. No less then a year younger than me. Not too much older either. (About 5 years)
Does Nice eyes?: Does Taste in Animals?: Does Having a Car?: Does Taste in Music?: No to all of these.
Does Distance?: Depends
Does Disablity?: Depends
Does Humor?: They have to be a good laugh.
Does Romanticism?: A little romance is always nice.

Does money?: Yep. He doesn’t have to be wealthy, but he does have to self-sufficient. I have had my fill of guys leeching off me.
Does Looks?: Well, I have to find them attractive, but I’m not into male-model types.
Does Height?: Not really. I like a guy to be taller than me, but I have been known to go out with blokes who are shorter.
Does Intelligence?: Oh God, yes. I could not feel even the vaguest attraction to an unintelligent man.
Does Common sense?: Yeah, he should have some, but not so much that he can’t ever be silly.
Does Religion?: Probably, I don’t think I could get involved with someone who was excessively religious.
Does Race?: Nope, not in the slightest.
Does Gender?: Yep, I’m just not attracted to women.
Does Employment?: Yep. He has to have a career - what it is isn’t important, as long as it gives his life some meaning and direction.
Does Job Type?: No - see above.
Does Body size (Weight)?: Not really, although I think I’d struggle to find a grossly over-weight guy attractive.
Does Education?: Mmm, yes, I think so. But I could over-look it if he was a self-taught genius :smiley:
Does Family? Yeah, my family means too much to me for me to disregard their opinion.
Does Age?: No, although the largest age gap I’ve ever experienced was onlt ten years.
Does Nice eyes?: Oh yes. He’s got to have eyes I can lose myself in.
Does Taste in Animals?: He has to like animals, because I do.
Does Having a Car?: Nope, I don’t drive either.
Does Taste in Music?: Hell, no - I have awful taste in music myself!
Does Distance?: Long distance relationships can work out - Crusoe and I are proof of that.
Does Disablity?: I honestly don’t know, I’ve never had to deal with that before.
Does Humor?: How can it not? If he doesn’t make me laugh, then it’s a non-starter.
Does Romanticism?: Depends how you define romanticism. I’m not a red roses and candle-light kinda girl, but someone who knows me inside and out and loves me anyway? That’s romantic.

36-year-old male, currently single and looking, here.

Does Money make a difference on who you choose to be in a relationship with? Not really. But if she didn’t have any money, I’d want to know why. And if she’d always had lots of money, I’d be worried that she’d be spoiled or have expensive tastes or be wasteful.
Does Looks? It would matter very much whether I found her attractive, but not at all what other people thought of her looks.
Does Height? No.
Does Intelligence? Yes, definitely.
Does Common sense? Yes. At least, I wouldn’t want to be with someone who was continually doing really stupid things or taking a brain-dead approach to life.
Does Religion? Yes—especially if this includes the morals, ethics, and values she believes in and lives by.
Does Race? Not per se, but I’m more likely to be attracted to and have a lot in common with someone who’s the same race as I (white)
Does Gender? Oh yeah
Does Employment? It would depend on the circumstances
Does Job Type? Not specifically. But there are some jobs I respect more than others, and a few that I’d want to avoid (like hooker or assassin).
Does Body size (Weight)? See under “looks.” There’s a fairly wide range of body sizes/shapes I could find attractive, but I probably would not find attractive someone who was seriously, unhealthily over- or under-weight.
Does Education? Maybe some, but other things that may go along with it (like intelligence, curiosity, and love of learning) matter more.
Does Family? (as in, does it matter if your family or their family doesn’t like you or them or what not?) If her family did like me, and I them, it would be a big plus; but if not, it wouldn’t necessarily be a deal-breaker, unless she were very, very involved with that family. My own family is nice enough and smart enough and accepting enough that if they really didn’t like someone, I’d consider that a big red flag.
Does Age? Chronological age doesn’t matter nearly as much as being in the same “stage of life.” (e.g. some women my age are still hoping to have kids; others already have grandchildren.)
Does Nice eyes? I wouldn’t single it out, but it is one of the many factors that contributes to “looks.”
Does Taste in Animals? Maybe
Does Having a Car? Not sure
Does Taste in Music? Not necessarily, but it’s a huge plus
Does Distance? Well of course, but I don’t know how far is too far
Does Disablity? It depends; that’s too general a question.
Does Humor? A good sense of humor (and one fairly similar to mine) is another huge plus. It’s great to be able to laugh at the same things, and to make each other laugh.
Does Romanticism? Not sure; probably a little