Just for curiosity’s sake, let me specify that I’m a 25 year-old man looking for a woman.
Does Money?: Money itself doesn’t matter, but good financial habits do. I’m not interested in anyone who’s going to blow all their dough and beg me for help.
Does Looks?: Would you believe me if I said no?
Does Height?: All else being equal, I prefer taller women, but that’s not necessary at all.
Does Intelligence?: Oh yeah. This is one of the things I insist on.
Does Common sense?: Just like intelligence.
Does Religion?: Nah. As long as she’s tolerant of different belief systems, I’m fine.
Does Race?: Nope. All else being equal, I prefer lighter-skinned women, but it’s not a big deal.
Does Gender?: Yep.
Does Employment?: Yes.
Does Job Type?: I’m a career-minded professional, and that implies a certain set of values that are pretty important. But I also do not live to work, and that’s fundamental. Beyond that, no, I don’t really care about the specifics.
Does Body size (Weight)?: As long as she’s good looking, and there are definitely some good looking women out there who aren’t thin/skinny.
Does Education?: Not so much education per se, but the desire to learn. Having a college or graduate degree is a good indicator of that, but doesn’t guarantee it.
Does Family? (as in, does it matter if your family or their family doesn’t like you or them or what not?): If my family had concerns about someone I was dating, I’d definitely take that into consideration. The final decision is mine alone.
Does Age?: Yep. I’m mostly interested in women who are 25-35, and always have been. When I was 18, that really sucked, but now it’s definitely better.
Does Nice eyes?: I don’t know if I could think of someone who doesn’t have nice eyes. What does that even mean?
Does Taste in Animals?: Nope.
Does Having a Car?: Yes, but around here that’s a non-issue. Everyone has a car.
Does Taste in Music?: As long as she can put up with mine (\m/!), and maybe even indulge me by listening to it once in a while. I’m pretty open-minded.
Does Distance?: Not so much. I can drive.
Does Disablity?: I think so, but I haven’t met too many disabled women, so I can’t say.
Does Humor?: Well, if she’s not laughing at my jokes, she’s probably disinterested, so in that sense, sure. It’s nice if she can crack a joke occasionally (and not the same one every time).
Does Romanticism?: You mean like Lord Byron?