What might your epitaph be?

I always thought I’d use John Lennon’s “Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans,” because that perfectly sums up my life.

What about you? What might your epitaph be?

Golly he wasted a hell of a lot of time on the Dope

Or something like that.

Veni, vidi, voro.

(I came, I saw, I ate.)

My favorite internet person recently died. She had secondary breast cancer but lived her life with joy. Her final post was a picture of her sitting in a stone alcove somewhere, in a little black dress all dolled up looking beeyootiful and joyful. The caption was “if you’re reading this it means I died. “ It gutted me but made me smile. Go grab Life was her motto.

My epitaph might be Just hold on I’m Coming

It was fun while it lasted.

If we’re talking what is to be engraved on my tombstone, then ‘Thank you for visiting me’ comes to mind.

But it’s hard to beat this from a superb comedian:

Spike Milligan epitaph: Gravestone quip is nation’s favourite | Daily Mail Online

I’m going with this inspirational quote from Buffy

“He saved the world a lot”

I kind of like Don Herold’s epitaph.

“I told you I wasn’t a hypochondriac.”

What, me worry?
We’re put on this earth to fart around, and don’t let anyone tell you any different. Kurt Vonnegut

I told you I was sick.

I’m gonna go with this one.

Haven’t decided on cremation or burial yet. If cremated I want it to be written in black sharpie, on blue masking tape, on the side of the coffee can holding my cremains, “Don’t stand downwind when scattering ashes”.
If buried, just “Dad”

Carpe Cerevisiam (Seize the Beer)


Smart ass to the end (and beyond):

“If you’re reading this, something is definitely wrong with the space-time continuum as my ashes were deposited in Silver Springs, Florida.”

Preheat oven to 2500°, then bake for 6 hours. Allow to cool to room temperature before scattering.

I’m gonna be cremated.

I’m considering a water cremation, sous vide for 24 hours until dissolved.

I got arrested for scattering my grandfather’s remains all over a nearby park that he loved.

I said to the arresting officer “hey, I had no idea that was illegal”.

He said “well, we might have let it go if you had at least cremated him first”.

Here I lie, jellified. Why? I died. I deny I flied to the sky. Bye-bye.

I had never before snorted coffee from my mouth, via nose, onto a keyboard before this.

Thank you . . . ?!? :smiley: