What movie describes you?

I’d like to imagine myself as Rick from Casablanca, L.B. ‘Jeff’ Jeffries from Rear Window, or Indiana Jones from Raiders of the Lost Ark, but honestly, I’m probably closer to the fictionalized Charlie Kaufman from Adaptation, or perhaps the bumbling Holly Martins from The Third Man.


I’m sort of a mix between all the female characters on Firefly: good with machines like Kaylee, tough and calm in a crisis like Zoe, a sexual healer of sorts like Inara, and intelligent but tweaked like River.

Oh, and I have a big, shiny ass like Serenity. :stuck_out_tongue:

Then I’d like to add, for the record, that although I am much more like Chance the Gardner, I wish I were more like Braveheart. :smiley:

I don’t know what other people would say, but I have always (or at least since the movie came out) identified with Bill Murray from The Life Aquatic: With Steve Zissou.

Sometimes the character in FallingDown,sometimes Saving Private Ryan,sometimes the Lee Marvin character in Point Blank.

I’ve been called Auntie Mame more than once (I think I’m more fun IRL than online).

He sprang to my mind too, outlook-wise, though I am much less successful.

Edward Scissorhands or Bride of Frankenstein

Given the amount of time most of you spend at this board, I would’ve thought *Office Space * would be the number one response.

“I’d say in a given week, I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual work.”

I am **Henry Chinaski **in Barfly. Not the drunk and jobless poet. Simply in view of the world as a sometimes beautiful place filled with terrible people.

I’m a ray of sunshine this morning.

Probably Harold, from H&K goto WC.

And then some combination of John Cusack in High Fidelity, Say Anything, and The Sure Thing.

ETA: But a lot of the time I feel like Ed Burns in Idiocracy. I think we ALL do.

If Lisa Simpson had been a character in Office Space (and an adult!), I think she would be like me. My husband says I remind him of Susan Ivanova from Babylon 5. So imagine that instead of joining the military, Ivanova worked in an office writing brochures and newsletter articles, and married Jack Black’s character from High Fidelity. When I finally go crazy, this will be why.

Charlie Driggs in Something Wild. On the inside, at least.

I can actually identify with that character a lot. But I’m more of a Ross Gellar.

Either way, there is no Jennifer Aniston in my life.

Yeah, probably Michael Bolton from Office Space. I’d rather be Jayne, but if we’re being realistic here…

Samir: No, not again. I… why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam? I swear to God, one of these days, I just kick this piece of shit out the window.
Michael Bolton: You and me both, man. That thing is lucky I’m not armed.

But this is much cooler -

“I’ll kill a man in a fair fight. Or if I think he’s gonna start a fair fight. Or if there’s a girl… or if I’m getting paid. Well, mostly if I’m getting paid…”

Good question. Maybe Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird? Someone who’s idealistic but also realistic, committed to our system of justice, recognizing its shortcomings but determined to do the best he can under the circumstances. And who loves his kids to death.

Fortunately, unlike Atticus, my wife is still alive. Unfortunately, I’m not as noble as Atticus.

Well, I suppose I would have to say Bambi because when I was little a hunter shot my mom.*


Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.

In all seriousness, I guess I would have to say that rather than a movie my life is most like the webcomic Queen of Wands. I have actually had people who read the comic ask if she might have been basing the character of Kestrel off of my life. (I have added spaces to the link due to some swears and content that might be construed as NSFW)

www. queenofwands. net

*My mother was never shot by a hunter

Stevo from SLC Punk.

Yep. I identify strongly with Large and gushed about it so often when it first came out that even now, a couple years later, my name comes up in threads about it when running vanity searches.

Who shot her, then?
