What movie was this?

For years, I’ve been trying to figure out the name of this movie. My memory of the movie is in bits and pieces and rather vague - so apologies now for the less than stellar references.

It is about a young couple who end up somehow at this rather large mansion. The woman ends up with a ring on her finger that she can not remove. There is an old man dying in some room, he’s in bed behind these funky curtains. Let’s see…at one point, some woman is swimming in an indoor pool and when she tries to resurface, it is as if a sheet of glass is over the pool and she can’t get to the top - there’s an image of her pounding under the water, trying to get air. I think some guy gets sucked into a fire, too. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

I appreciate any and all help.


Got it in one. The movie is The Legacy, starring Katharine Ross. She’s the one with the ring on her finger. The guy who gets sucked into the fire is played by Charles Gray, most famous for playing The Criminologist in The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

You rock pldennison.
