What movies do you hate that everyone else loved?

I’ll have to second Rocky Horror. Eech.

Dull, Dull, dull.

Bad bad bad music.

I have seen it three times, yet I don’t know the ending because i’ve fallen asleep shortly after they unwrap Rocky.

Then again, I have only see it after midnight some that may have something to do with the sleeping thing.

And I hate that stupid virgin tradition.

So what it is this plot hole?
Also, I hated Taxi Driver.

Most likely referring to the fact that there’s no one in the room to hear Kane utter his dying word, “Rosebud”, so how did they know about it?

Still, a brilliant film IMHO.

Dr. Strangelove
Grand Canyon
Field of Dreams

…is there a smilie that’s bursting out in tears? Falcon, I’ve just discovered, is only 99% perfect.

[li]The Matrix[/li][li]X-Men[/li][li]Saving Private Ryan[/li][li]Fight Club[/li]and so on…

Here are three famous, universally beloved classics that I absolutely could not stand:

*The French Connection


Touch of Evil*

And it’s not that I have anything against noirish crime/detective movies. I love L.A. Confidential, The Big Sleep, the Maltese Falcon, and Sorry, Wrong Number.

To explain briefly why I disliked each of them, Touch of Evil did obscene things to my suspension of disbelief, while The French Connection and Chinatown were simply soulless, just walking plots without engaging characters. I heard people say that Chinatown shook them because evil triumphed. Sure, but what did it triumph over? Nothing interesting.

What a great idea for a thread. My boys in college couldn’t get enough of The Blues Brothers. I must have seen that flick 20 times. There is nothing, not one goddamned thing, nothing witty, interesting, humorous or otherwise droll in that movie. I mean zip. Less than ze…(choosybeggar gets carted away shot up with haldol and sporting a straight jacket)

Anything ever done, or ever will be done by Johnny Depp. I think he is the worst thing to come out of Hollywood since… Well nothing. This man is the Anti-Christ, and should die slowly and painfully. :confused:

Ok, so perhaps a bit harsh, but I really can’t stand anything he has done, and my wife loves him. Of course I love Robocop and she hates it. Ah well…

smooches poopah

Sorry, hon…I don’t do sentimental stuff well. And hey, I can live with 99% perfect…

Let me second There’s Something About Mary. That movie was crap, and me and the two people I was with were afraid to mention it to each other for fear of “Emporer’s New Clothes” syndrome.

Eyes Wide Shut.

Leaping Tiger, Crouching Dragon. Or whatever the f*ck it was called.

Zorro (the one with Antonio Banderas)

You hit it right on the head. And I’ll stick with the brilliant cinematography, dull story, big plot hole vote. [;-)}>

I, too, must agree with The Matrix. However, I didn’t expect too much from it going in. The big one for me was Fight Club. Everybody seems to think this was excellent, and I thought it started out pretty good, but soon devolved into mediocrity and outright stupidity. The whole “surprise” plot twist was completely unbelievable and left holes in the plot, IMHO. But I’m the only person I’ve met (besides my girlfriend) who felt this way.

This is truly bizarre; Eyes Wide Shut has now been mentioned both in “What Movies Do You Hate That Everyone Else Loved?” and in “Movies You Like That Everyone Else Hates.”

So not only is there no agreement on the quality of Kubrick’s last film, but there’s also no agreement on what the popular reaction to it was. Help!

Free Willy and the demon-spawned sequels.
Annoying child and his pet whale.

Then again, I have to admit that my other totally despised movie, Andre the Seal, made it look like a production by the Royal Shakespeare Company.
Annoying child and her pet seal/sea lion.

“You don’t have to be English to watch this movie, but you sure do have to be patient.”
~Hank Hill

EXISTENZ!!! I heard from more than one of my friends that this movie dealt with the same themes as The Matrix, but more intelligently. Then I saw the piece of plop & not only did it handle the reality-as-illusion theme even more clumsily than did The Matrix, but also it lacked the kick-ass explosions & fire & helicopter crashes that rendered The Matrix at least decent eye candy. Just lame & incomprehensible all around. & I even like Cronenburg!!!

Movies I hated that everyone else just seems to rave about:

Don’t even get me started.
The Phantom Menace
Everything except for the pod race scene should have ended up on the cutting room floor. I think JarJar Binks is my arch-enemy but he’s too stupid to know it.
Star Wars
I re-watched this sad excuse for acting when it was re-released. What a bad movie. How the hell did people actually like this boring crap?
There’s Something About Mary
This movie had a few funny scenes (the ones with Harland Williams come to mind). Other than that it was a waste of two perfectly good hours.
Fight Club
Although I may still purchase this movie on DVD, I HATED the ending. What kind of stupid shit was that? But the rest of the movie was pretty good.
Sleepy Hollow
It just didn’t do it for me.
No one else mentioned it, so I will. This movie was formulaic (if that’s a word) and utterly predictable. The cinematography was good and so was Joaquin Phoenix’ performance but that’s just about it.

Oh man. That is pretty obvious and annoying. I think I may hate the movie now.

Pulp Fiction

This may very well be a movie many of you despise, but I am the only person in my family who cannot stand “Dirty Dancing.” Hated it the first time and the seemingly daily screenings of this piece of crap on TBS make it that much worse.

Blair Witch Project was terrrrrrrrrrible.

Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Dances With Wolves. Why, I don’t know. But I can’t stand it.