What movies do you hate that everyone else loved?

Shake hands, mate. I hated it too.

“E.T.”, “Ghostbusters”, “Eraserhead”, “JFK”, and most animated Disney films.

Honorable mention to “The Godfather”, because everyone but me seems to love it. I dislike it, but don’t hate it enough to list with the others.

Oh, sheesh, reading through the posts has reminded me of some stinkers I tried to put behind me. Biggest of all are Fight Club and Gladiator, the first started off interesting and just got annoying, and the second was just… overdone? Is that the word I’m looking for? Again, sheesh.

The Big Chill. I and the people I saw it with all came out of there saying, “Geez, this is one of the worst movies we’ve ever seen!” Then we were stunned to find out the rest of the world friggin’ loved it. :barf:

It starts off from the very beginning. These people were all activists in the anti-war movement, fighting The System, and now they’ve all gone from yippie to yuppie, from fighting said System to giving their all to it. Yet while ditching every value they’ve ever stood for, they manage to stay in touch with each other.

Speaking as one who lived through that stretch of time, it doesn’t happen like that.

And of course, the characters are totally typecast and cardboard - and totally dislikeable, too; when the most likeable characters in an ensemble movie like that are the airhead (the chick who babbles about what great sex she had with the dead guy the night before he offed himself) and the druggie, you know you’re in trouble.

And I agree with what others have already said about Blair Witch, There’s Something About Mary, and Deer Hunter. (Yeah, the improbability factor bugged me, too. And of course, it was basically a commercial for the fictitious POW/MIA movement. But that’s GD stuff; let’s not go there.)

Edward Scissorhands. Everyone I knew came out of the theater all sickeningly-sweet-happy. I couldn’t wait for it to end. Did I run to the restroom at a crucial moment?

Why “Repo Man” has attained such status as a revered cult classic I’ll never know. Guess it’s not my cult.

Everybody who mentioned Titanic, Deer Hunter, Fight Club, Blair Witch, Pulp Fiction … you’re all wrong. But I’ll get past that.

I must note that it has been said that I like far too many movies and that I don’t hate enough (I mentioned this before - I don’t know where but it sounds familiar)

Back to the task at hand. This is a touchy subject around the ol’ Batty household. My wife just rented The Graduate the other day. I’d seen it before and … I didn’t really like it all that much. She thinks I’m nuts.

All right, touched by a Moderator! Coldfire, at that (I may be straight, but come on - he’s dreamy!). Aren’t you all jealous, ladies?

Forrest Gump.

Here’s a story about a kid whos mom has to sleep with the principle to get the kid an education, whos bullied at school, whos girlfriend is molested in her home, and who at one time or another, loses everyone who is important to, or is loved by him. Well, except the one buddy, who just gets his legs blown off. The movie finally ends, with his illegitimite child going off to school, to start the cycle all over again.
The most depressing movie I ever saw.

Cast Away. More heavy-handed symbolism, please! The movie’s high point, naturally, was the island segment… And even that, really, is just a guy on an island. The last half hour managed to be both way, way too long AND incredibly half-assed. Cut it or make it its own movie, but don’t turn a watchable **1/2 star movie into dull, condescending dreck.

The Matrix… I liked it in the theater, but it pales on second viewing. The action scenes, especially the hand to hand stuff, really aren’t that good; it was a bad choice to try to pull it off without doubles. Everbody looks weak as hell, and the little “slap-slap-slap” sound effects are terrible. Don’t try to imitate Hong Kong when it’s obvious you can’t come close. Story-wise, it starts strong, but the plot just sinks into endless exposition and “dude, wouldn’t it be freaky it…” ideas in the middle. My real HATE for the movie, though, is mostly backlash… This movie did NOT originate wirework, and CTHD did NOT rip it off! And that freaking “bullet-time” really isn’t all that cool looking, especially when it’s the 10,000th time you’ve seen it. Kiss my ass, Creed!

Gladiator. Again, held my attention in the theater, but on second viewing it was pretty obviously not worth a damn. I couldn’t care less about anybody or anything in it… The action was well-staged, but who cares about an uninteresting character killing nameless, faceless drones? And what possible justification could be given for making it 2 1/2 hours long when the story and motivations are so simple? So Ridley Scott can win an Oscar? Really, the only thing I like about the movie is “Frost. Somtimes it makes the blade stick.” WHAM!

I’m sure I’d have many more, but generally if a movie is financially successful there’s a good chance it’s a piece of crap, so I miss most of the big ones.

The Big Hit.

Eyes Wide Shut

I Stand Alone

Evil Dead Trap

Man on the Moon. First of all, using the R.E.M. song as the center piece (and especially the title) was just really really cheap. But more than anything, it was just a bad movie. All characters except Andy Kaufman are mere window dressing. The whole thing is just a showcase for Jim Carrey’s impression of Andy Kaufman. How can you possibly take this movie seriously when Danny Devito looks into Jim’s eyes and says “You’re nuts! But…you just might be a genius!”

I absolutely hated The Truman Show and Man on the Moon. Other than that I really don’t hate any movies that others deemed good.

I didn’t see anyone mentioning Austin Powers, so I must be standing alone here. But, generally speaking, I abhor comedies that aren’t remotely funny and don’t come close to making me laugh even once. The English Patient was funnier.
Aside to Falcon: Awww, thanks for the smooches…you know you’re still the most huggable Dopess on the boards.


Sorry ladybug…I missed your post. I must’ve lost consciousness after your remark about the Wizard of Oz.

Well, I am not saying that anyone here would have liked it, but the wife and I saw Road Trip on the weekend and good gawd, it reeked to high heaven.


Rocky Horror PS - How anybody could enjoy that turd is beyond me.

**The Phantom Meneace **- See above comment

Finally! Someone else who doesn’t like E.T.

I told you you’d hate me. :smiley: I think there was a time when I was much younger that I kinda liked it, but I just saw it way too many times and got sick of it.