What new Star Trek show do YOU want?

Law & Order: Federation

Set it during the original series, and have the lawyer who defended Kirk in Court: Martial show up occasionally for the defense.

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I want at least one detailed deployment of photon torpedos and phasers per episode. There should be at least one battle cruiser on either side destroyed every three episodes. At least one secondary unit on either side blasted every episode.

I still vote for Star Trek Corps of Engineers. I’d LOVE to see the reaction of a person hearing "Yeah, Kirk found a gateway that travels through time on this planet. Go reverse-engineer it, please. ".

Thumb Trek or a Lego version.

The point to my post is that they need to do what Enterprise should have done, and was so horribly inept at doing. Then just retcon that show away as being an alternate holodeck universe. :mad:

Touché. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not to sound like a broken record but the Novels also continued the story of DS9 if people are interested.

Please, please, please, stop with the dystopian view of the ST universe and the R-rated violence.

I like the idea of police procedurals and detective shows. I don’t know how to incorporate non-human abilities without degenerating into crime solved by alien magic, though.
My favorite shows of all time include Magnum PI and Eureka!, so I could see crime fighting and scifi together. And humor.

Some earlier thoughts that I pulled up from the past that fit this current discussion:

The perfect Star Trek

All Trek, All the time

Trek Dopers, what would you include in an R rated Star Trek?

They have links to even older threads. It’s a fun read, if I do say so myself.


DS9 was my favorite series, so I would want something like a sequel to it. The series would still be set on DS9, but most* of the original cast would have moved on. Instead of a war, however, the series could be about exploration into the beta quadrant with a ship designed for exploring based at the station. They could easily make some excuse so that somehow the wormhole now leads to the beta quadrant, and most of the shows would be about exploring new planets in the relatively unknown beta quadrant. I think this would combine the best of both DS9 and TNG, which is my second favorite Stat Trek series.

*The cast would be all new other than bringing back Quark and Garek, who still live on the station 20 years later and make guest appearances from time to time. They would mostly stay on DS9 but sometimes go with the crew of the new ship on their adventure of the week.

I’d like to see what amounts to a Star Trek sitcom based on fan-fic stories.

For instance.

This has, and always will be, one of my favorite story quips. Thanks for posting it again :).

This. Just more Trek. There’s another dark, gritty R-rated stuff out there, I’d like to see some positive views on the future. More Trek, more utopia and exploration and technology and ingenuity saving the day.

On a realistic note: back when ST:TNG was coming out, and we didn’t really know what the show would be about, I proposed that they should make it a lot like Hill Street Blues. That is, while the main bridge officers would exist in the series, the series could focus on the grunts, like the “red shirts”, the people working in Engineering, the scientists that regularly go down on the planets as exploration happens, etc. The show could have explored the inter-personal relationships of those people. Given the tremendous popularity of HSB, not to mention St. Elsewhere at the time, I thought the idea was a winner. I still do.

I can tell you what I don’t want, no more time travel!

I believe that The City in the Edge of Forever was very popular, and money hungry producers thought time travel stories would be profitable. Perhaps some authors also felt that time travel stories would be winning scripts.

I agree. If I want time travel I’ll watch Dr. Who, Trek has never been able to pull it off well.

I wouldn’t say never.

City On the Edge of Forever

Year of Hell

These remain some of my favorite episodes. I will say that when they used it as a crutch or as a setting for an already poor story, it really stunk. For years, I have railed against most uses of the Big Giant Reset Button. But sometimes…, they did okay.

Only one is remotely attractive to me right now: a genuine continuation, in the future, that is about how things are better. Stop with this gritty crap that isn’t Star Trek. DS9 was a spinoff, not the main show–it never aired without a ship-based, episodic show beside it. It wasn’t a bad show, but it should not be what Trek is at its core. And I’m just tired of retreading the past.

I have genuinely no interest at all in Discovery. Just the ads made it unappewling. And the other ideas need a real Star Trek first, before they can be spun off.

Also, no reptilian looking Klingons. We went too far in explaining their appearance to screw it up now. That alone showed me the disrespect of Discovery. Sure, update the makeup, but keep it reasonable that they are the same species.