So… hoopla anyone? I’ve been hearing a lot about the new Abercrombie and Fitch catalog, and how it needs to be banned, and they need to be boycotted, etc.
My question is - just how bad is it? Has anyone actually seen a copy? I’ve read the descriptions, which in and of themselves are probably enough to do the trick for Clarence Thomas, but I’ve yet to see any pictures. So I’m hesistant to make any snap judgements.
So what’s the scoop? Exploitive smutfest? Artistic treasure? Just a company trying to generate some free publicity?
Those catalogs really weird me out, for some reason. I have no problem with porn, I just get strange vibes when a clothing store sells magazines of naked people. Why can’t they just make clothing?
I tink yousun be missin’ da point ere bra, de clotes come off cuz you be de sex bomb of de party, jah give it. Ain’t none too many peeps want to be sexin’ you if ya be wearin’ clotes fram Wal-Mart.