What notes was the eeh tech taking during test?

I just took my 14 yo for an eeg after a possible seizure recently. It took a long time, possibly because she needed him asleep and he was still wakeful. As I watched her I got curious: what was she noting on the computer during the test? She typed in a lot of brief notes, it appeared.
Hopefully we will hear results later today.

Brief notes? Perhaps she was tweeting while waiting for your son to sleep.

I meant e e g ofcourse. The laptop was a casaulty of the syncope/seizure so I’m posting from my nook.
Anyway, it just appeared that she was marking (via mouse click) and documenting simething on the reading she was getting…

This is just speculation, but when I had ecgs taken, those were on paper and the tech was waiting with poised pen; once the scan was done, she put a bunch of little marks on it before ripping it off and adding it to the rest of my paperwork. We asked what was that for and she said she would have circled any abnormalities she saw and that the little lines are just a checkmark to show she’s looked at everything, she’d put them on every “big peak”; similar procedures are in place for NMRs and for echos. I understand eegs need more fiddling with dials than ecgs do (on a laptop, that could have been the mousing) and expect that the tech would also do a “first run of ‘things that look like the doctor should check them’”.