This morning I saw a commercial with Billy Mays. The sucker’s been dead for 6 months but he’s still hawking items on the tube.
Are there any other dead people out there still actively selling things? I remember seeing Charles Atlas in comic books in the 70’s, and I believe Colonel Sanders was in a few ads after he assumed room temperature. But those are going back quite a bit. Any dead folks currently still on?
That’s surprising (the Billy Mays thing)…I haven’t seen a Billy Mays ad since shortly after he died. Kaboom now has some generic young woman’s disembodied voice doing the shilling. I’m also pretty certain that I’ve seen Oxyclean ads without the Shouting Man.
Don’t know if they are doing it now but back in 2001 the heirs of Martin Luther King and Lou Gehrig were hawking Alcatel using images from the “I have a dream” and “Luckiest man alive” speeches.
I remember reading an interview with Billy Mays’ son to the effect that they still show classic movies with dead actors, and his dad would’ve wanted the same. Probably also influenced by residual payments, no doubt.
The “Empire Today” guy isn’t dead yet, but I’ve noticed they now have an animated version of him. No doubt Toon-Empire-Today-Guy will live on for a looooong time.