What part of the mink do they get mink oil from?

Do they harvest mink oil from the minks fur, or do they get the oil from when they kill the mink for its fur and rend the fat?

Very small milkmaids???

The mink oil is the fat under the skin.

The girls who skinned the mink for their pelts had the softest hands around, and were quite popular!

whose cousin runs a mink ranch a half mile south of my home! When the wind is right, it is memorable!!

The mink has a gland that produces the oil. Therefore the oil comes from that gland. Much like if you want to collect the stink from skunks, you’d collect it from the gland in their tail.

I always thought they just put them in a big press, like olives. :smiley:


Here’s how it happens!

Since subcutaneous fat doesn’t come from a gland, could one of you provide a cite to back up your answer?

QtM is correct.

Mink Oil

a mink is a Mustelid, like weasels, ferrets, and otters. It has large scent glands located near it’s anus. These don’t produce “mink oil”, to my knowledge.

I’d imagine that just about any lipid you could extract or purify from a mink could be sold as “mink oil”.

Qadgop the Mercotan didn’t say it came from a gland.

:smiley: [sup]And I’ll get back with you.[/sup]

Did anyone claim he did?