What Religion are you? Which should you be?

100% Neo-Pagan.

Nifty, considering I have just recently started aquainting myself with Wicca.

Excellent summary of liberal Quakerism! I’m also married to a LQ. We live in a part of the country where there are very few Quakers of any kind, and when we mention the religion, folks tend get a mental image of the guy on the oatmeal box.:slight_smile:

Oh, I gotta respond to this one…

I grew up Southern Baptist, and am one again (although I don’t agree with many of the ideals of the church: we don’t bow down to Nashville every day), but for about 7-8 years, I was heavily involved in Wicca. I love the religion: it is beautiful, and there is nothing wrong with it, despite what the SB’s try to tell me. But it just wasn’t where I needed to go. I wholeheartedly believe everyone has their own path to follow, and Wicca wasn’t mine.

Which means I’m probably the most Liberal Southern Baptist in existence… :smiley:

I have actually known several very liberal SBs and some quite decent moderate ones, Juliana. It’s just the ultra-conservatives that give the group such a reputation for intolerance. Unfortunately, they wield enough political power in the group to steer it, or at appear to.

I was, of course, only teasing. If you’re happy with your choice, so am I. <Scurries off to begin designing "Most Liberal Southern Baptist trophy for Juliana>

I am basically what would be classified as “Neo-Pagan”, combining bits and pieces from Lakota, Cherokee, and Wiccan beliefs in that order. It was right on target. I’ll have to study up on the other religions a bit more, though, what I do know of them, I agree with many of their philosophies.

#1: Neo-Pagan (100)
#2: Mahayana Buddhist (96)
#3: Hindu (85)
#4: Theravada Buddhist (85)
#5: Unitarian Universalist (85)

#21: Eastern Orthodox (0)
#22: Islam (0)
#23: Jehovahs Witness (0)
#24: Latter Day Saints (0)
#25: Mainline to Conservative Protestant (0)
#26: Roman Catholic (0)

Please! I agree 100%. I loved it when the SB’s did the boycott of Disney: our music minister came in with a wonderful tie and sock set: Goofy! It was classic! We have a pretty liberal church, actually…

Maybe someday, the mainstream will come to their senses. That’s the day I’m hoping for.

(running off to write acceptance speech)

On paper, I’m Lutheran (Missouri Synod), but I haven’t been to that church in a couple of years. I normally attend a Unitarian Universalist church. Here’s my results …

Unitarian Universalist (score=100)
Liberal Quaker (score=93)
Humanist score=83)
Neo-Pagan (score=83)
Theravada Buddhist (score=76)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant (score=71)

Seems about right – I’ve been to Quaker meetings, and I felt more comfortable there than at my conservative Lutheran church.

Liberal Quaker

How’d they guess?

The top five results were:

Neo-Pagan (100)
Unitarian Universalist (81)
Theravada Buddhist (79)
Mahayana Buddhist (68)
New Age (67)

Oddly enough, what I consider myself to be, Agnostic, placed ninth, scoring 54.

When I followed the Neo-Pagan link and took the Pagan Spiritual path test, it informed me that I should be a Wiccan. Odd indeed.

Interesting. My scores are different than they were a few months ago, the last time I took it. My top five were:

UU – 100%
Liberal Quaker – 94%
Neo-Pagan – 94%
Mahayana Buddhist – 83%
New Age – 82%

I AM a UU, so I guess this fits. I have been thinking about investingating the Liberal Quakers, and I’ve done a fair bit of reading about various forms of paganism (it’s not for me, but it is interesting).

About where I thought I’d land…

Humanist …click to learn more (score=100)
Unitarian Universalist …click to learn more (score=92)
Atheist/Agnostic…click to learn more (score=83)
Theravada Buddhist …click to learn more (score=78)
Liberal Quaker …click to learn more (score=69)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant…click to learn more (score=44) (Only included because I was raised Methodist)
Eastern Orthodox …click to learn more (score=8)
Islam …click to learn more (score=8)
Jehovahs Witness …click to learn more (score=8)
Orthodox Judaism …click to learn more (score=8)
Roman Catholic …click to learn more (score=8)

Surprising to see no ‘0’ scores.


Oh my! There’s something seriously wrong with this test, or else I misinterpreted the questions.

Eastern Orthodox - 100% (!!!)
Roman Catholic - 100% (!!!)
LDS - 79%

I’m a “less active” Latter-day Saint in reality. I would have thought that RCC would have been far from me.

Time to read the Book of Mormon again, I guess! Sheesh!

Took the test again, paying closer attention to the wording of the questions (which is very ambiguous and incomplete at times). The results:

Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score=100)
Eastern Orthodox …click to learn more (score=93)
Roman Catholic …click to learn more (score=93)
Seventh Day Adventist …click to learn more (score=90)
Latter Day Saints…click to learn more (score=89)
Orthodox Judaism …click to learn more (score=89)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant…click to learn more (score=81)
Islam …click to learn more (score=78)
Orthodox Quaker …click to learn more (score=76)
Reform Judaism …click to learn more (score=71)
Hindu …click to learn more (score=70)
Christian Science …click to learn more (score=66)
Sikhism …click to learn more (score=66)
Baháí …click to learn more (score=65)
Mahayana Buddhist …click to learn more (score=62)
Liberal Quaker …click to learn more (score=61)
Jainism …click to learn more (score=59)
Unitarian Universalist …click to learn more (score=56)
Jehovahs Witness …click to learn more (score=55)
Theravada Buddhist …click to learn more (score=51)
Neo-Pagan …click to learn more (score=46)
New Thought …click to learn more (score=44)
Scientology …click to learn more (score=44)
Atheist/Agnostic…click to learn more (score=33)
New Age …click to learn more (score=29)
Humanist …click to learn more (score=22)

Well, that’s better, but I think a 100% LDS would be ideal. Something is wrong with this test!

I got Atheist/Agnostic 100% for answering not sure to all the questions. I mean how am i supposed to know where the universe came from so i clicked on “not sure” and well kinda had the same answer for all the other questions and the system told me i was atheist/agnostic. By the way whats the difference between atheism and agnosticism?

Well, chalk me up as utterly non surprised.

Mainline to Liberal Protestant…(score=100)
Liberal Quaker …(score=97)
Orthodox Quaker …(score=90)
Unitarian Universalist …(score=82)
Reform Judaism …(score=74)

I’m a Methodist. It fits.

Prof. Dumbledore wrote:

An atheist is “one who denies the existence of God.”

An agnostic is “a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and prob. unknowable” or “one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god.”

Definitions courtesy of Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th Ed.

I’m a Mainline to Liberal Protestant in reality.

Orthodox Quaker …click to learn more (score=100)
Liberal Quaker …click to learn more (score=97)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant…click to learn more (score=93)
Unitarian Universalist …click to learn more (score=85)
Reform Judaism …click to learn more (score=70)