What Religion are you? Which should you be?

Unitarian Universalist (score=100)
Theravada Buddhist (score=98)
Humanist (score=92)
Atheist/Agnostic (score=84)

Eastern Orthodox (score=0)
Islam (score=0)
Jehovahs Witness (score=0)
Latter Day Saints (score=0)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant (score=0)
Orthodox Judaism (score=0)
Roman Catholic (score=0)

Didja notice that the list of 5 checkboxes in question 6 is labelled “Choose all that apply” – and yet the bottommost checkbox says “none of the above”?

If I choose “none of the above” plus one of the others, will the universe implode?

Test results: Atheist, Humanist

Actual religion: none whatsoever. That’s right, I’m a heathen. In fact, I think I’ll start saying that whenever somebody asks…
“Are you a Baptist?”
“Nope. Heathen. :)”

“There aint nothing that I’d rather do/ Goin’ down, party time/ My friends are gonna be there too…” :smiley:

I think some of y’all are confusing Liberal Quaker with Amish or Menenite (how is that spelled?). I get that all the time (I’m married to one - Liberal Quaker, that is).

Go read the link for more info on LQ, but the quick form of Liberal Quaker is: “there is that of God in each of us”

God is met on a personal scale, individually, from within the self. Live simply, non-materially, and get your butt out there to help others. No ministers in the non-evangelical side of the Quaker path, so you sit in meeting waiting on Divine Inspiration to speak (anyone can be moved to speak). And let me tell you, I am moved to tears a heck of a lot more in Meeting than I ever was in church (UU churches, though, so there’s more arguing than crying).

Liberal Quakers are very ‘walk your talk’ folk, and have put their lives on the line for a long time trying to allow the Divine Light in everyone to shine. Very pacifist (no fighting in war, anti-capital-punishment), very much on the front lines of emacipation from slavery way back when, and also smuggled Jews out of Europe before and during WWII. Generally pro-choice, and individual pagan leanings are tolerated by many Meetings without a blink. Very socially liberal, and often politically liberal, though they can have some really seriously high expectations for their kids. Oh, and very pro-women’s equality from WAY back.

I loved the vows: “I promise with Divine assistance to be unto thee a loving and faithful wife, so long as we both shall live.” PERIOD. The man’s are identical, with the exception of ‘husband’ instead of ‘wife’ (of course).

Anyway, go read the link…

(I end up neo-pagan, UU, M. Buddhist, LQ, and New-Age, pretty spot on)

Thank the Lady! There’s hope for some of them after all! :wink:

Got the correct response:

Atheist/Agnostic = 100
Secular Humanist = 100

Except that I am not two of those. I am an atheist.

I’m Jewish, but the thing says I should be a Unitarian Unicersalist, Humanist or Atheist. Sounds about right to me.

I say root root root for the home team, if they don’t win it’s a shame.
Go to church with your mother.

Well, that was fun.

Neo-Pagan 100
Unitarian Universalist 92
New Age 90
Mayahana Buddhist 85

with Islam, Jehovah’s Witness and Roman Catholic all at the bottom at 24. 24 seems a bit high, somehow.

Solstice greetings to you all!.:slight_smile:

I consider myself a sort of pantheist, which would fall under their “Neo-Pagan” catagory. My results were:

Top 5:
Neo-Pagan (score=100)
New Age (score=97)
Mahayana Buddhist (score=96)
Hindu (score=95)
Theravada Buddhist (score=85)

Bottom 5:
Mainline to Conservative Protestant (score=13)
Eastern Orthodox (score=8)
Islam (score=8)
Jehovahs Witness (score=8)
Roman Catholic (score=8)

Scariest result:
Scientology (score=71)
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Aaaiiieee!!! 71!!! Ick! Ick! No! Get it off me! Get it off me!

My list:

Mahayana Buddhist (score=100)
Hindu …(score=98)
Neo Pagan (score=96)
Theravada Buddhist (score=93)
Jainism (score=89)
Unitarian Universalist (score=78)
New Age (score=76)

The Bottom:
Eastern Orthodox (score=9)
Islam … (score=9)
Jehovahs Witness … (score=9)
Roman Catholic … (score=9)

I was raised and edjumacated Catholic. My mom would just faint if she saw this…

got a hindu score of 100. I’m a Catholic, and that got a score of 77. 77’s good enough for me. I like my religion.

Got 100% as an Orthodox Quaker. Methinks it’s because I included a reverence for nature as being a necessary part of my belief system. Also, I didn’t vote in favor of “traditional” roles for men and women.

Tied for second, (95% each) were Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic. OK, I’m Byzantine Catholic, so I’ve got the best of both worlds.

BTW, I think reverence for nature should have gotten me a higher Eastern Orthodox score. I clipped a newspaper article a couple of years ago which stated that the Orthodox Church formally defined Sins Against Creation (gross environmental damage as a result of human actions or negligence)as a category of sin. I thought it was a great move, and hope the RCC will follow suit.

Very close third was Mainline/Conservative Protestant, at 92%.

FTR, I think most people who take this test will find that their scores for RC and Eastern Orthodox are tied, or within a point or two of each other. The doctrines of the two faiths are virtually the same, the main difference being the views on Papal authority (filioque seems to be becoming a non-issue, and Eastern Rite Catholics do not use the filioque clause in the Nicene Creed.) Of course, the Eastern Orthodox Churches used to be part of the Catholic Church…

My top scores:

  Humanist ... (score=100)
  Unitarian Universalist ... (score=93)
  Atheist/Agnostic... (score=87)
  Theravada Buddhist ... (score=67)
  Liberal Quaker ... (score=60)
  Neo-Pagan ... (score=53)

Actual status : born again atheist… why didn’t they ask me if churches/mosques/synagouges/temples etc. should be taxed and or burned?

What really made me laugh was the 0% for Roman Catholicism (my mother wanted me to be a priest) and the 25% for Scientology (what da fuq?)

90 or better:
Unitarian Universalist (score=100) (you folks had me pegged on this one!)
Humanist (score=96)
Neo-Pagan (score=95)

Where I go to church:
Mainline to Liberal Protestant (score=57)

How I was raised:
Roman Catholic (score=12)

After musing for a while:

they should modify this test: there are obvious differences between atheists and agnostics (the former saying you can know, and the answer is no, the latter saying you cannot know and the question is therefore meaningless) – and should stop confusing agnostics with those who are confused or not certain – sloppy classifications

also, they should include Marxism as a category and develop appropriate questioning about left/right political beliefs

Last time I took this test it told me I was a Reform Jew. I doubt I’ve changed any in the intervening time. :slight_smile:

New Age is my highest, and I’m a Philosophical Taoist, so it fits.

I know I’ve taken this before. Anyway, here are my 5 top matches:

Neo-Pagan 100
New Age 91
Unitarian Universalist 89
Mahayana Buddhist 83
Liberal Quaker 81

And all this time I thought I was agnostic or a deist.
