Not sure which faith fits you best…

TRY THIS The Religion Selector!


Oh, I like this :slight_smile:

Check it out, I’ve been studying up on Quakers (Thomas Paine’s father was a Quaker), and they’re number 2 on the list! I’ve also wondered what’s so “bad” about Unitarians, and they’re number 1!

Here’s the rundown:
Unitarian Universalist (score=100)
Liberal Quaker (score=96)
Neo-Pagan (score=90)
Theravada Buddhist (score=83)
Humanist (score=79)
New Age (score=78)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant (score=76)
Mahayana Buddhist (score=72)
Orthodox Quaker (score=72)
Baháí (score=60)
Reform Judaism (score=60)
Atheist/Agnostic (score=56)
New Thought (score=51)
Christian Science (score=45)
Scientology (score=45)
Orthodox Judaism (score=37)
Seventh Day Adventist (score=35)
Hindu (score=34)
Jainism (score=34)
Sikhism (score=34)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant (score=33)
Eastern Orthodox (score=26)
Islam (score=26)
Roman Catholic (score=26)
Latter Day Saints (score=22)
Jehovahs Witness (score=11)

Go ahead, tell me I’m going to hell :slight_smile:

Reform Judaism showed up at the top of my list. Hmmmm…maybe I should rethink this Methodist thing? :slight_smile:

This thread is similar. :slight_smile:

Oops, missed that one :o

I got Neo-Pagan at the top of my list…

I’m supposed to be a neo-pagan??? huh? I was raised southern baptist. figures with that upbringing.

I’ll be joining you

Neo-Pagan …click to learn more (score=100)
New Age …click to learn more (score=90)
Mahayana Buddhist …click to learn more (score=85)
Theravada Buddhist …click to learn more (score=74)
Sikhism …click to learn more (score=70)
Unitarian Universalist …click to learn more (score=66)
Hindu …click to learn more (score=59)
Scientology …click to learn more (score=55)
New Thought …click to learn more (score=53)
Liberal Quaker …click to learn more (score=49)
Jainism …click to learn more (score=48)
Reform Judaism …click to learn more (score=43)
Christian Science …click to learn more (score=40)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant…click to learn more (score=40)
Humanist …click to learn more (score=33)
Orthodox Quaker …click to learn more (score=33)
Orthodox Judaism …click to learn more (score=22)
Atheist/Agnostic…click to learn more (score=22)
Baháí …click to learn more (score=22)
Latter Day Saints…click to learn more (score=22)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score=18)
Eastern Orthodox …click to learn more (score=11)
Islam …click to learn more (score=11)
Roman Catholic …click to learn more (score=11)
Seventh Day Adventist …click to learn more (score=11)
Jehovahs Witness …click to learn more (score=0)

My God (heh heh) Gr8Kat! We are one! My score is exactly the same as yours. I have been considering UU for some time and I went to a Quaker college and did the Liberal Quakerism thing for a while (lots of arguments among Friends about the divinity of Jesus turned me off–I’m not into a divine Jesus myself). Cool. You’re even a cat person. Can we be friends (in a non-Society of Friends/Quaker kind of way)?

I consider myself a conservative Christian so O guess my beliefs reflect that in this “test.”

-SS :wink:

Liberal Quaker …click to learn more (score=100)
Unitarian Universalist …click to learn more (score=99)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant…click to learn more (score=86)
Neo-Pagan …click to learn more (score=85)
Orthodox Quaker …click to learn more (score=84)
Theravada Buddhist …click to learn more (score=77)
Humanist …click to learn more (score=76)
New Age …click to learn more (score=69)
Mahayana Buddhist …click to learn more (score=69)
Baháí …click to learn more (score=56)
Reform Judaism …click to learn more (score=56)
Atheist/Agnostic…click to learn more (score=52)
Sikhism …click to learn more (score=48)
Seventh Day Adventist …click to learn more (score=45)
Jainism …click to learn more (score=44)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score=43)
Eastern Orthodox …click to learn more (score=36)
Latter Day Saints…click to learn more (score=36)
Roman Catholic …click to learn more (score=36)
Christian Science …click to learn more (score=33)
Hindu …click to learn more (score=32)
Orthodox Judaism …click to learn more (score=32)
New Thought …click to learn more (score=30)
Islam …click to learn more (score=24)
Jehovahs Witness …click to learn more (score=24)
Scientology …click to learn more (score=24)

These results are sort of amusing, actually, since I’m a practicing Roman Catholic. Perhaps I should look into this Luther fellow…

Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score=100)
Eastern Orthodox …click to learn more (score=97)
Roman Catholic …click to learn more (score=97)
Latter Day Saints…click to learn more (score=87)
Orthodox Judaism …click to learn more (score=80)
Seventh Day Adventist …click to learn more (score=73)
Orthodox Quaker …click to learn more (score=66)
Islam …click to learn more (score=63)
Jehovahs Witness …click to learn more (score=63)
New Thought …click to learn more (score=20)
Scientology …click to learn more (score=20)
Neo-Pagan …click to learn more (score=15)
Humanist …click to learn more (score=10)
Mahayana Buddhist …click to learn more (score=10)
Theravada Buddhist …click to learn more (score=10)
New Age …click to learn more (score=6)

Zyada asked:

That reminds me of an exchange from “Cheers”:

Rebecca: Why can’t more men send flowers?

Sam: Mormons can’t send flowers? I thought Mormons couldn’t dance.

Catrandom mewed:

I sent the URL to one of my Roman Catholic co-workers and she was somewhat surprised that her #1 spot was Mainline to Liberal Protestant. You may have company :slight_smile:

Mainline to Liberal Protestant…click to learn more (score=100)
Liberal Quaker …click to learn more (score=91)
Orthodox Quaker …click to learn more (score=88)
Reform Judaism …click to learn more (score=88)
Seventh Day Adventist …click to learn more (score=81)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score=72)
Unitarian Universalist …click to learn more (score=71)
Orthodox Judaism …click to learn more (score=69)
Sikhism …click to learn more (score=69)
Baháí …click to learn more (score=65)
Eastern Orthodox …click to learn more (score=65)
Islam …click to learn more (score=65)
Roman Catholic …click to learn more (score=65)
Humanist …click to learn more (score=46)
Latter Day Saints…click to learn more (score=46)
Christian Science …click to learn more (score=43)
Neo-Pagan …click to learn more (score=43)
Mahayana Buddhist …click to learn more (score=38)
Theravada Buddhist …click to learn more (score=38)
New Age …click to learn more (score=37)
Atheist/Agnostic…click to learn more (score=34)
Hindu …click to learn more (score=34)
Jehovahs Witness …click to learn more (score=34)
New Thought …click to learn more (score=34)
Scientology …click to learn more (score=34)
Jainism …click to learn more (score=23)
#1 works for me. But Quaker? Never thought about it.

Count me in, Neo-Pagans. (100)
Or New Age. (98)
Maybe Unitarian. (93)
If that doesn’t work out, then I’m going with my original instincts(though not “practicing”)…
Mahayana Buddhist. (86)

Or I may form my own cult:
The New Neo-Universalist Mahayanas.
Sounds impressive, eh? To join, send check or money order in the amount of your choosing to…
1234567(all good children go to heaven)

Let’s hear it for the Neo-Pagans!!!

Ceejaytee said:

Sure, a person can always use another friend :slight_smile: I’m not sure where I stand on the divinity of Jesus–I was brought up in a not very religious household, but one thing that wasn’t questioned was that there’s a God and Jesus is his Son. That was about it until my grandpa’s second wife began taking my sister and me to the local Christian Church. I actually liked that church, it was very non-denominational so it didn’t carry a lot of the baggage others seem to carry. I was kinda horrified/bemused when one of my friends quit going to that church and started going to the Assembly of God church down the street. She came back with all kinds of stories of speaking in tongues and getting slayed in the spirit and being cured of asthma by faith healers… it all sounded so outlandish and bizarre and when I scoffed suddenly I was going to hell. (No, she didn’t say that, but it was implied–maybe I’m just paranoid?) Whatever. One’s worship is strictly between him and God and he owes no man an accounting of his faith. Amen.

Anyway, I plan on doing more reading up on the UU and the Quakers. I don’t know if I’ve found a new spiritual home, but it’s always nice to learn something new.

I’ll only post the ones that scored 50 or better. The variety astounds me.

• Atheist/Agnostic (score=100)
• Humanist (score=90)
• Theravada Buddhist (score=90)
• Unitarian Universalist (score=85)
• Neo-Pagan (score=59)
• Liberal Quaker (score=53)
• Latter Day Saints (score=50)

Theravada Buddhist …click to learn more (score=100)
Unitarian Universalist …click to learn more (score=97)
Neo-Pagan …click to learn more (score=89)
Humanist …click to learn more (score=83)
Liberal Quaker …click to learn more (score=79)
New Age …click to learn more (score=74)
Mahayana Buddhist …click to learn more (score=64)
Atheist/Agnostic…click to learn more (score=59)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant…click to learn more (score=52)
Orthodox Quaker …click to learn more (score=47)
Reform Judaism …click to learn more (score=40)
Baháí …click to learn more (score=35)
Jainism …click to learn more (score=35)
Sikhism …click to learn more (score=35)
New Thought …click to learn more (score=32)
Christian Science …click to learn more (score=23)
Hindu …click to learn more (score=23)
Scientology …click to learn more (score=23)
Orthodox Judaism …click to learn more (score=16)
Jehovahs Witness …click to learn more (score=11)
Latter Day Saints…click to learn more (score=11)
Seventh Day Adventist …click to learn more (score=8)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant…click to learn more (score=7)
Eastern Orthodox …click to learn more (score=0)
Islam …click to learn more (score=0)
Roman Catholic …click to learn more (score=0)

I found it interesting that Christianity, the religion I was born into, scored so low.

Go Christ! :stuck_out_tongue:

The previous time I did this, I got the RC and Eastern Orthodox. This time I got Jehovah’s Witness. Sheesh. My wife agrees that none fit me.