Try this quiz at Beliefnet. It’s supposed to figure out what religion thee agree with (as distinct from the one thee actually belong to).
I had tried it a couple times last year and both times it informed me I should be a Liberal Quaker. Huh? I had never even heard of Liberal Quakers before. I just tried it again (I think they revised the questions some) and LQ had dropped to 6th place. Now the top 5 I got are:
Sikhism (100%)
Reform Judaism (96%)
Islam (96%)
Orthodox Judaism (96%)
Bahá’í (92%)
Sikhism??? Well, hmm, I already have a beard. Now I’d better learn to tie one of those turbans.
I suppose I get the UU–which, as I understand it, can believe just about anything–and the SH. But since I indicated my lack of a belief in any sort of Christian-like deity or devil, I don’t get the Liberal Protestant or Quaker at all. Since I’m actually an agnostic, it’s nice to see it made the top five…though I see they’ve lumped us in with the atheists again.
The liberal Protestant thing is pretty accurate, I guess. My original Catholicism is in 10th place, with 61%, wheras conservative Protestantism is in 7th with 67%. Funny, while I don’t identify Catholic, I certainly don’t identify conservative Protestant! I guess that’s what I get for going to a fundie church occasionally.
Anyway, I’m another who’s been recently introduced to the Liberal Quaker faith! So, erm, does anyone know what it is yet?
From now on, whenever somebody asks me what religion I proclaim, I am saying Quaker. They’ll say “Like the fat guy on the box?” and I will reply “Exactly!”, “Just like the jolly old fat guy on the box.”