What repulses you about your partner?

[ul][]Talks with mouth full. []Has a total inability to wash dishes in a way which has even a faint hope of resulting in reasonably clean dishes.[]Shrieks at our daughter when she is whiny, leveling up the incident. []Wads sopping-wet towels up on the towel rack so they have no hope of drying in a reasonable amount of time; vigorously rubs her genitals with same whiffy towels day-after-day, is perplexed by her frequent yeast infections and dismisses the possibility of a causal relationship between one and the other.Exhibits zero interest in reading the SDMB.[/ul]

Her sneezes sound like Pikachu. Ha-TWEE! First time I ever heard her do it, I was talking to a friend about her while she was browsing some clothing racks a few dozen feet away. “Yeah, she’s just started school and so we’re really only getting to see each other on…” “Ha-TWEE! Ha-TWEE!” “…holy crap, I don’t think I can date her any more.”

Okay, not truly repulsive, but hey.

WAG: because when you sit down you’re pressing your ass into his hand in a way you’re not when it’s him who grabs you - you may do it later as a reaction but not from the start.

Nothing about my husband repulses me. He has habits and ways of behaving that I don’t like, but I don’t feel repulsed by any of it.

I really wish she’d get her teeth whitened, but even bringing up the subject makes her defensive. I’ve always been very sensitive to teeth on other people, so seeing my wife with brown teeth squicks me out.

Same here.

Depending on the cause, it may not be possible to whiten them (specifically, if the dark color was caused by tetracychlines or is just her bones’ natural color).

How she shoots snot rockets in the shower- oh wait, that’s me. Probably the fact that she will lean to the side and fart in my direction when we’re sitting on the couch, to be funny. Hold on, that’s me again. Then it must be the way she’ll loudly belch after we’ve finished dinner and are still sitting at the table. Actually, I’m the one that does that.

I guess there’s nothing about her that repulses me.

Judging from the contents of this thread, it would appear that you (and yes, I) got off easy.

For me it’s that he takes the phone with him when he uses the toilet. When he first started doing it I asked him not to do that when he was talking to me. I didn’t say it was gross or that he had to stop entirely, just please don’t with me, that nothing I have to say to him can’t wait for a call back after he finished. On many subsequent occasions I’d hear that he was peeing and remind him that I’ve asked him not to and he’d act completely surprised. “You can really hear that?” Arrghghgh! Also, he doesn’t wash his hands after. That part does repulse me. It’s not why we’re separated, but I sure don’t miss it.

[quote=“Larry_Mudd, post:21, topic:635937”]

[ul][li]Exhibits zero interest in reading the SDMB.[/ul][/li][/QUOTE]

In light of this thread, that is likely a good thing.

Nothing about him repulses me. But I don’t like the amount of work-related travel he has to do. I wish he could stay home more.

I think you’d be totally justified in dumping this guy. If my fiance sassed off to me over asking innocuous questions like if he has enough onions on his sandwich, I would flip out on him and I would dump him if it kept happening. You don’t deserve that sort of disrespect and rudeness when you were asking a question that shows concern for him.

He never gets to the point.

Typical conversation, no, not conversation, typical monologue.

“You’re not going to believe what happened today. Do you know Mr Jones, the guy I used to work with that has the mother in law that had a brain tumor? You remember, he had that dog named Mitzy who had fleas that his wife used to pick off one by one. The dog was white and went to the same vet your mother used to use for sparky. The guy down on main street with the green awning and the gold lettering with the pictures of the rabbits painted on the windows. Next door to that restaurant that has changed owners three times in the past six months. I don’t know what they just don’t try another sort of business. Do you know what we need down there? A dog groomer. It would be perfect to have one right next door to the vet. They’d get a lot of business. Anyway, Mr Jones moved to Georgia and got a job with Rob’s BBQ. I hear they sell their sauces on the internet now. I googled them and they were like 25 bucks a bottle…”

By this time, I have walked away. This is not an exaggeration. I wish it were.

The very idea of my wife having sex with a fat, old man is repulsive but then, I am that fat, old man. Other than her clear lack of self-esteem in this regard I’m not “repulsed” by anything my wife does. There are plenty of things that irritate me though.

That reminds me, we’re almost out of bacon. And pick up some of those “Wavy” chips I like.

By the way, when did you start posting here, dear?

Nothing, absolutely nothing repulses me about her. The most annoying habit she has is to put newly washed dishes into a drainer full of dry dishes, so that when I wash up after dinner I have to dry a drainer-full of dishes, most of which had dried, before starting.

Even as I read this, I realize how silly it sounds, but I guess that’s among the reasons (there are others) we are still together after more than 48 years).

There is nothing repulsive about my hubby. Sometimes he can be frustratingly contrary, annoyingly agreeable, (yes, that is what I mean!), terse and withdrawn.

I would not stay in a relationship where I was repulsed by the other person. (But clearly, that’s just me.)

Nothing repulses me at all about her. She doesn’t even have annoying habits. It used to annoy me a little bit that she would sit on the computer playing WOW while I was dealing with my visiting kids (getting them dressed for school or whatever), but that’s changed. For one I’ve learnt to ask for help if I want it and she has bonded with the girls, which just makes me love her more.

I am so sorry because I realize this is annoying for you, but, man, I think this is hilarious.

I know, it’s cracking me up. “Oh, the old sit-on-my-hand trick again!”