What repulses you about your partner?

Nothing repulses me about him, why would I be married to him if so?

We both have annoying, exasperating habits. I’m so very lucky he puts up with mine!

Wanting to know who I’m talking to when I’m posting on the Straight Dope Forums. Not that it concerns him (well maybe this one time, but never before and probably never again). Am I not allowed a little interaction? He’s only vaguely interested in what is discussed here.

Your husband must be related to my mother!

I used to get very offended and get my feelings hurt, I’d say something nasty back and we’d be off and running. One day his nephew sat me down and said try not to get too offended by Unk, that’s just who he is and he doesn’t mean anything by it. It is rude and disrespectful, but I try to not take it personally. I’m just amazed he has so many friends and a job.

Or he might be me. Sorry about that. I really don’t mean to. And it drives me insane when my mother does it.

All of her protons push against her other protons, and her electrons push against her other electrons. I find that repulsive.

However, she does have some mass, and since I have a little mass myself, I find that very atttactive.

First thing I learned in French class:

S’il vous plaît ne me lève pas, vous êtes assis sur ma main

Well, cut it out already! :cool:

Sounds to me like he has a bizarre sense of humor, not being a jerk. Could be wrong, tho.

I never thought about it that way.

But no he is being a jerk, he absolutely hates to be questioned, even when the question is nothing more than ‘how are you?’.
Then again he works too much and is under a lot of stress, so he’s just grouchy in general.

Nothing repulses me about him. A few annoying habits (judgmentalism, a few philosophical differences) and the fact that he can be passive-aggressive and kinda vindictive sometimes drive me up a wall occasionally, but I know I’ve got a few traits that annoy the hell out of him just as much so we’re even! :slight_smile:

Mr. Shoe does this. Funny when I’m in a good mood, annoying as all shit if I’m not. Concur that it’s not really repulsive, per se. Nothing about Shoe repulses me, but I wanted to chime in because I think it’s hilarious that someone else’s husband does this. :smiley:

My husband works too much and is under a lot of stress, but he’s not a dick to me.

Just sayin’.

I can’t really think of a single thing I find repulsive about him. Plenty of things that annoy me, but repulsive? I think one of the things that bothers me is that he’s not really into animals. I’m not one of those people with a zillion pets but I get pretty excited about animals, and he just doesn’t. And I find that somewhat unsettling.

I think I’m married to your wife’s long lost twin brother. It’s the little things that drive me crazy.

I’m so glad I’m not alone! :stuck_out_tongue:

sigh He just walked by, grabbed both my boobs and said hello to them. I remember thinking after I was done nursing that at last my boobs would no longer be anyone else’s property. I was wrong.

This would drive me insane; I don’t know how you cope with it, to be honest. I used to have a boyfriend who would grab my hips and waist every time I passed by him. After me screaming at him a few times, it finally dawned on him that this behavior was intolerable to me and he stopped. But the fact that it had to even get to that point of exasperation caused me to forever see him as a stupid, grabby baboon-man, and my attraction to him went out the window. It was like I was being conditioned to avoid being near him, because being near to him = enduring several seconds of unwanted, intrusive contact. And the fact that he would persist in it when I clearly was not enjoying it also creeped me out.

Does he know how much this bothers you, or is this something you silently put up with to keep the peace? If it’s truly an issue for you, I wouldn’t hide this fact. Your body is not his property, it is yours.

Nothing about him repulses me. Annoys me with certain habits? Yup. I know I’ve got some of my own, particularly when under stress, which, when he is under stress, that those habits of his begin to annoy me. His farts smell? Yeah, but he apologizes for them (I tend to make a face as a reflex), which is pretty sweet of him, and I’m trying to convince him that he really doesn’t have to :stuck_out_tongue: One of the things I love about us together is how open we can be/are trying to be with that sort of thing.

I laugh hysterically at you “oops, hand on the ass again!” people, but my fiance does have this slightly annoying nibbling habit. I wouldn’t mind if sometimes he didn’t bite too hard, but I don’t mind enough to say “Hey, it really bothers me when you do that”, because it doesn’t, so I yell “No bitey!” which is kind of jokey and a bit encourages him, but like I said it’s something I can live with. But I get the eyeroll at it.

He thinks I’m very funny when I’m exhausted and silly. Oh, wait, I am. Um… he… well, actually, no. After 22 years together, I’m just amazed he hasn’t gotten annoyed with me, nonetheless repulsed. And I still think the lines from Charade fit,

Reggie Lampert: Do you know what’s wrong with you?
Peter Joshua: No, what?
Reggie Lampert: Nothing!